Patch 1.2 is great, thank you Bethesda!

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:04 am

So we're the cause of resistances suddenly being broken? For dragons flying backwards?

And people modding their games even broke it for consoles. Those bastards! :stare:

I used to have Steam in online mode, then i took news of the patch 1.2 in the knee... :P
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:49 am

Wow realy the patch svcks resistances are BROKEN and dont work which means with patch you can kill flame atronaches with fire, I would say that is not a good patch.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:19 pm

People having problems with the patch are the cause... not Bethesda. They've modified their .ini files to tweek the game how they want it, or modified the game to get past the memory limits, and these changes are not interacting with the patch flawlessly. It's not "quality control" that can fix that. The only thing they could do is not allow modification, but no one wants that. People who modify their program should know that they're in for conflicts when it comes time to patch.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:36 am

People having problems with the patch are the cause... not Bethesda. They've modified their .ini files to tweek the game how they want it, or modified the game to get past the memory limits, and these changes are not interacting with the patch flawlessly. It's not "quality control" that can fix that. The only thing they could do is not allow modification, but no one wants that. People who modify their program should know that they're in for conflicts when it comes time to patch.

Hi there! My xbox 360 would like to point out how much of an idiotic post this is! Ok carry on!
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:56 am

This. How can you people honestly defend Bethesda for this game destroying patch?

Not to mention what they did fix was useless garbage, while the PC version has been confirmed to have at least 400 bugs, some game ruining ones. Looks like modders will have to fix it, like always. :rolleyes:

Bethesda's QA is god awful.

Boo-ho-ho my 100% fire resistance broke so a backward flying dragon landed in front of me and breathed fire out of its [censored] and killed me. :cry:
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:32 am

People having problems with the patch are the cause... not Bethesda. They've modified their .ini files to tweek the game how they want it, or modified the game to get past the memory limits, and these changes are not interacting with the patch flawlessly. It's not "quality control" that can fix that. The only thing they could do is not allow modification, but no one wants that. People who modify their program should know that they're in for conflicts when it comes time to patch.

How do you mod .ini files on consoles? How is it the users fault that a patch has caused ALL Magic Resistance in the game to simply disappear? Wanna explain that one?
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:46 pm

Boo-ho-ho my 100% fire resistance broke so a backward flying dragon landed in front of me and breathed fire out of its [censored] and killed me. :cry:

Ah, so they are not bugs but features? in the next patch they should also break damage resistance and the rest of the enchantment effects, that way they would solve both "the game is too easy" and "smithing and enchanting are ovepowered" complaints :lmao:
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:16 pm

How do you mod .ini files on consoles? How is it the users fault that a patch has caused ALL Magic Resistance in the game to simply disappear? Wanna explain that one?

One thing I want to ask: is this only being observed when loading old save files? (that is, characters started during 1.1)
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Ben sutton
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:56 am

Boo-ho-ho my 100% fire resistance broke so a backward flying dragon landed in front of me and breathed fire out of its [censored] and killed me. :cry:

That's Boo-hoo-hoo. Honestly, you people make me so mad sometimes...

Although this does seem like a set up for another piece of in-game dialogue...

"Did you see those Nords in Skyrim? They've got dragons flying backwards. Flying. Backwards."

Screw you, Hammerfell!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:10 pm

Boo-ho-ho my 100% fire resistance broke so a backward flying dragon landed in front of me and breathed fire out of its [censored] and killed me. :cry:

Except the backwards dragons dont land and if they do it often locks your console. In many cases the glitched dragons follow you preventing fast travel and causing npcs to run off breaking some quests. Its obvious you havent played with 1.2 installed.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:57 pm

Once again they had to make it quick to get it to us as soon as possible, they probably had people working 24 hour days to figure it out and fix it. They fixed the literal game breakers but broke *gasp* magic resistance... WOW the game is unplayable...

Broken resistances/weaknesses is 100x worse than almost everything fixed in the patch. With the exception of the PS3 performance issues, nothing on the list of fixes for the patch were game breaking bugs. Resistances and weaknesses are a fundamental game mechanic, them breaking is a big deal and people have the right to be upset. Though some people do overreact a little bit heh. Not being able to resist damage when you have resistance for it is a game breaker. Textures not looking as pretty as they should in some places is not, it has no effect on game mechanics or gameplay.
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:53 pm

I havn't experienced any horrible bugs with the game exept for floating weapons, flying mammoths, and dragon crashes (Going at an incline) are extremely buggy. I have not encountered any crashes on my 360 yet. The textures are perfectly fine for me (I have heard complaints about texture being reduced when installed) and always have been. And a few glitched quests that are startable but their not game breaking. I have not encountered any game breaking bugs as everybody seems to be whining about. The game has less bugs than I thought it would when it first came out so I give Bethesda a thumbs up.

For the people who are whining about this bugs/glitches...
They will be fixed, its not like Bethesda's not doing anything about it. They are probably just as occupied trying to make DLC as they are fixing bugs. And in my opinion I'd rather have DLC come sooner than a patch...
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:55 pm

I've had no problems so far. :confused:
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:55 pm

Boo-ho-ho my 100% fire resistance broke so a backward flying dragon landed in front of me and breathed fire out of its [censored] and killed me. :cry:

:shakehead: Glad to see the new fans Skyrim brought in.
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Big mike
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:23 am

Except the backwards dragons dont land and if they do it often locks your console. In many cases the glitched dragons follow you preventing fast travel and causing npcs to run off breaking some quests. Its obvious you havent played with 1.2 installed.

No you obviously haven’t played on the Xbox without the update. I fought 4 dragons today 2 at the same time (multiple times as they managed to kill me) and had not had these bugs. But to me the prospect of seeing a dragon fly backwards seems rather amusing, what end do they breathe fire out of? Skyrim is nothing in comparison to previous Elder Scrolls games but at least it sort of works now.
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Stryke Force
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:37 pm

For the people who are whining about this bugs/glitches...
They will be fixed, its not like Bethesda's not doing anything about it. They are probably just as occupied trying to make DLC as they are fixing bugs. And in my opinion I'd rather have DLC come sooner than a patch...

Are you serious? You would rather they release more new buggy content before they fix the already existing buggy content? :cryvaultboy:
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:09 pm

Just because you haven't had issues doesn't mean it was a great patch. Magic resistance IS broken for everyone

How can you tell? My Breton still lists her racial resistance as an active effect. What sort of testing has been done to determine that it's not actually working (if it's not)?
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:47 am

People having problems with the patch are the cause... not Bethesda. They've modified their .ini files to tweek the game how they want it, or modified the game to get past the memory limits, and these changes are not interacting with the patch flawlessly. It's not "quality control" that can fix that. The only thing they could do is not allow modification, but no one wants that. People who modify their program should know that they're in for conflicts when it comes time to patch.

Better to keep your mouth closed and thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Prior to 1.2, yes, I modded and tweaked my game up and down and it worked no problem. When the patch came and my game broke, I did a clean reinstall. Guess what? It was still broken. That's a fresh install, cleaned the registry keys, no mods, no .ini tweaks. Still. Broken. I get it working, and the first time I try to enter a city to make sure it's working (prior to mods and tweaks), it crashes to desktop.

Console users are experiencing problems, too.

This was an awful patch. Seems typical of games these days, though. Developers can't seem to make a patch without breaking the game all over again.
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Karine laverre
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:53 am

Yeah, no. Not a great patch. As said before, my battle mage that used to laugh at dragons and wizards because of magic and element resistance is now getting trounced. My game suddenly lags like crazy. Textures are not popping up. Awesome that dragons now fly right through things. But my wife finally gets to sleep lying still for once. Yay
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Kelly John
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:10 am

I'll say/ask it again since no one bothered to reply from the first page when I made this statement:

I'm sorry but I in no way should be thankful for this rubbish that broke my game more than it fixed it.

It didn't fix ANYTHING, it made the texture issues WORSE, and I'm experiencing lag NOW and I wasn't before.

I should be thankful for that? I want a detailed rundown of why I should be thankful for that.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:17 am

How can you tell? My Breton still lists her racial resistance as an active effect. What sort of testing has been done to determine that it's not actually working (if it's not)?

Its confirmed. The resistances still list but do not apply at all. Ive confirmed it myself , go summon a flame atronach and cast a fire spell at it...itnow takes damage with 100% fire resistance. It didnt before 1.2
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:40 pm

I didn't see a dragon fly backwards, but I DID see two of them do a bizarre spin since the patch, where they lay on their side in mid air and spun around really fast while using their breath attack creating a 360 blanket of flame/frost... if it didn't look so goofy it was pretty impressive the blanket effect.

This was on PC
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:26 pm

Resistance is very very much broken.

Also for me, the stone gateway in Whiterun near the game gate, doesn't load when I'm inside the city. My textures don't seem to load right at extreme distances anymore either. Scenery that used to look amazing is now giant texture blocks of brown and white smudges.

My game has been very negatively effected by this patch, and worse yet, it was nearly perfect BEFORE the patch, I hadn't had a single major issue.

They need to recall this patch, cause it'll take longer to fix this resistance problem with another patch when it would to simply revert to 1.1
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:52 pm

Blind praise is as annoying and beneficial as blind hate.
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:33 pm

Its confirmed. The resistances still list but do not apply at all. Ive confirmed it myself , go summon a flame atronach and cast a fire spell at it...itnow takes damage with 100% fire resistance. It didnt before 1.2

Is this being observed only on old save files that were started in 1.1? I'm wondering if these magic resistance bugs and crazy dragons are caused by loading an older save in 1.2.....
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