Some weird changes, not really the Top of the current Problems lol. Ahh beth, i luv u.
Some weird changes, not really the Top of the current Problems lol. Ahh beth, i luv u.
We can't do that on console. We get force patched.
That's probably what it is. The majority of PC sales have been totally digital.
The best thing is the ability to hover your pointer over a settler and find out where they are assigned. A lot more settlement fixes needed but its a start.
The best change will be showing what jobs settlers are assigned too, it will save a lot of hassle
Yeah I saw that in the list of fixes and thought ... why is that a fix? I mean, shouldn't wiring the electrical stuff together use copper at least? Whose been complaining about that? I did run out of copper once and couldn't make a connection, so I just went and got some more loot and problem solved.
If anything that just makes the game more unrealistic and for no good reason at all.
I'm probably the only one who liked the bugged Killshot perk. Got used to always getting a headshot if the enemy was in range of my weapon. It was fun... and now its gone.
Outside workshop mod everything is fine yes, but in workshop i find out that the remove the "C" hotkey, all shortcuts are working but not "C", wondering why btw... it's my "activate" command
I will miss it too.. but honestly it was making my game play a little bit too dull.
It had to be fixed. Sniper perk, Perception, Concentrated fire, Scopes... now can finally claim its rightful places.
It was amusing at first, but it got old. I can still get pretty consistent headshots with high perception and the various relevant perks jacked up though. I've been running the beta patch for a couple weeks, so I've had time to get used to it now lol
Put your wires in your workshop before the update. That way you save your copper for other things, since wires will no longer consume it.
I'm going to save soooo much copper.
Yeah, I'm doing fine. Actually aiming at other body parts now.
I gotta tell you i'm going to miss the killshot bug.
So no fix still for the spotlight turret bug when fast travelling back to settlements? Well thats annoying.
Agreed. It was fun while it lasted, but it was pretty over-powered.
Wish I had done a certain quest to save a certain person from being shot before the Killshot bug was ironed out. Oh well, it's going to feel more of an achievement now, I guess!
Love the settlement changes, although (Enter) to place and select will take some getting used to. Being able to jump while in Build mode is worth the price to pay, I guess, at least for me (since I don't build that fast).
Love lazer kill ! .... BTW, anyone try to '' ACTIVATE '' an... ash-pile ??!!?...? &(**%%?*?* my game is sick : (
I guess Mister Abernathy still have to die due to his quest bug and I cannot play anymore further at the moment because Preston would generate more buggy quests.
Settings, Internet Connection, Uncheck.
I agree. That was one of my money sinks. Can't tell you how many telephones & hot plates I've purchased.
Here's a few pics to give you some idea though.
... I may have run out of copper a few times during that project...
On PC here...inside workshop view my F key no longer rotates newly built items for placement---making it very difficult. Also settlers ignoring bars & beds at night.
Could tell the patch was out yesterday, when half my mods no longer functioned.
They were pretty broken at launch with how quickly things respawned so am very interested to hear how much more broken they have become?
Also what is this weapon debris thing about and why is it only available to PC users with NVIDIA cards? Bethesda pulling some more exclusivity shenanigans? Say it ain't so.