Is AR working properly?! Are you guys getting one shot by bandits?! Are damage calculations working properly? Are you guys scrapping HP off a Skeever with a 500+ weapon?!
What the hell is up with this PC elitists vs Console gamers crap coming up in a thread about a game patch being released on PC? Humans... instead of being one godly, impenetrable force, they split up in two large groups and try to destroy one another. :banghead:
I just hope and pray the "General stability improvements" include my Skyrim actually allowing me to play instead of CtDing like a bish on load/new game...
*Watches as Skyrim takes its sweet [censored] time patching*
Fixed dragon animation issues with saving and loading -- Can someone especify this issue please ?
Fixed Y-look input to scale correctly with framerate -- I didn't understand this one, that much. English isn't my first language.. Can someone explain better for me, please ?
What the hell is up with this PC elitists vs Console gamers crap coming up in a thread about a game patch being released on PC? Humans... instead of being one godly, impenetrable force, they split up in two large groups and try to destroy one another. :banghead:
Hmmm... last time I checked, this thread is in the Skyrim General Discussion forum, and the title is "Patch 1.3 is live.". What about that makes this a thread solely about PC?
Wow, if true that is terrible, I assumed they would have been able to fix that, but I guess I haven't been looking in the issues folder lately.
Sorry to be a downer. It's why I suggested returning the product, stating it's fundamentally broken at it's core. I assume an average store who checks up on big titles is aware the PS3 is shafted. Hopefully you get a full refund if you do. I know I would.
All I am living with is a buggy Conjuration and some other minor issues.
Hmmm... last time I checked, this thread is in the Skyrim General Discussion forum, and the title is "Patch 1.3 is live.". What about that makes this a thread solely about PC?
That's my fault for the confusion. I tend to forget that gaming exists outside of my PC. I should have specified PC in the title.
I am pretty sure this is meant as a "quickfix" to resolve the few oddities that happened such as a dragons, etc.. They will probably roll out another patch at a later time addressing more issues. (and maybe introducing new ones)
God's in his heaven and all's right with the world.
OFF TOPIC: Nope, he's just scared of our superior firepower.
Anyway, I'm glad that the patch is out now, I can revert back to the newest version without fear. That is, unless this patch has somehow awakened Cthulhu. D:
What the hell is up with this PC elitists vs Console gamers crap coming up in a thread about a game patch being released on PC? Humans... instead of being one godly, impenetrable force, they split up in two large groups and try to destroy one another. :banghead:
It seems to be a mainly American thing tbh. The platform is not an extension of your social status people.
Sometimes I lose faith in Skyrim and Bethesda products as a whole with their close-to-broken products and shoddy design. The patches certainly don't adress the most vital ones, such as Quests right away. I feel sorry for my PS3 brethren and sisters who are stuck with the framerate drop and all.
I suggest you return the game under the reason it's fundamentally broken and get your money back. Reserve that cash when Skyrim isn't prone to blow it up in your face. This is from a 360 user.
Thanks for the cheap philosophy class. Can I direct you now to the part where it says this is only an incremental patch from 1.2' mess?