» Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:24 pm
How exactly would my version of motherboard or processor or ram or video card or operating system effect the games code in screwing me out of nano points? lol. Dammit, my favorite show isn't on because I have an expired bottle of ketchup.
Lol. I dunno. But given that certain people were having the same issue, then those people likely have something in common that others don't. Any bug that is 100% repro on certain machines must have something in common, especially when it happens 0% of the time on other's machines. I would have suspected the most likely being some kind of OS compatibility issue or finding out that people who have the issue "run as admin" or something like that, but by asking for specs I cover all the bases.
A suggestion has been posted on this thread, so give that a shot and see what happens! Good luck!