Patch 1.9 (2.09) performancebugs so far.

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:42 pm

I might start a new chara with 1.9 installed. Will see if there is a change in gameplay and lag/crash issues..
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:02 am

I think I deleted the update then the game data, and finally all my saves (I wanted to start from scratch). The only DLC I had was Dawnguard but I haven't re-installed it because after completing it twice I never want to play it again, and can do without the vampire attacks.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:22 am

Well, since 99% of the posts say it ruins the game, I'm glad that I decided to leave the console disconnected from the Internet and avoid this patch.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:27 am

where does it say this??? 1.9 is an awesome patch, unfortunately tho alot of the bug fixes especially the ones that have to do with stuck items or quests not cleaning up in your log will not be retroactive and you must start a new game in order for them to take affect
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:27 pm

Umm i can say this. My game is freezing constantly ^^, even on a new character, and yes, i reinstalled everything, did a restore file system etc. etc...
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:37 pm

you represent 99% of the playerbase? interesting..
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:37 pm

Most people here are rather complaining about the problems caused than praising any improvements. Doesn't sound like it is worth the risk.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:45 am

99% my backside. More like 10% at a guess, Not everyone is having these problems.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:14 pm

Yes. most of the people posting about it are complaining because those who don't have problems are quiet about it. There's no way you can say that MOST people are having problems without reliable statistics to back it up. The best you can say with some degree of certainty is the SOME are having problems.
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Bedford White
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:13 pm

I still got the eternal loading screen glitch after patch 1.9 and never used autosave for that character. My file is now 11 MB or something and freeze on the loading screen every 45-60 minutes, which is quite annoying. Got all the DLCs installed and have Serana as my squadmate. I think she might be the reason why my game glitches so much.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:18 am

Nope, Serana is not the reason, i do the same Dawnguard quest like you, i had 2 broken saves after 3 days playing, i am a couple of hours on Dawnguard quest already but had no freeze so far.

And i have Serana with me of course... (I think see is cute... anyway ) lol.

If you have a lot of freeze screens, try to do a rebuild database, or make new saves often and delete the older ones.
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:53 pm

My game is running without any performance issues after the patch, I'm happy to say.

I was hoping the fix "Fixed rare issue with quest NPCs not properly moving to quest locations" would have fixed the Esbern glitch with quest "Alduins Wall" in which Esbern disappears. My first character is hanging out at the Wall with Delphine, patiently waiting on Esbern, for months in both real and in-game time. I've continued on with all the other quests but I'd really like to complete the main storyline.

May I please have a patch that codes if Delphine is at Alduins Wall then Esbern spawns in Sky Haven Temple, to continue the quest? Thank you!

Also, both of my characters husbands are doing the shuffle-foot dance and I occasionally catch them standing on chairs. It's funny, but not right.
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 12:14 am

Lag Lag & More Lag is all I've been getting since Patch 1.9, its been so bad in the FPS that my other half has said she could go on a round the world trip and I'll stil be WALKING the same 100 in game meters thats i was when she left. Its got so bad at times tht I've found myself wishing for a crash just to make the Lag worth the while
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michael flanigan
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:43 pm

Some is not really the word for it.. but more and more people experience problems with it as time goes by and progress. If it works for the others then sweet, We don't need to back it up cause we ain't gonna be posting here in the 1st place if we aren't experiencing problems.

Ok, i noticed another.. glitch possibly? when i turn into VL it works fine although late trigger cause when i choose the ability, it takes a while for me to transform.. but after using the bats ability things get weird and irritating.. 1st of i can't see my character... then the major lag occurs.. eventually freezing for a minute or 2 then, when i try to revert back.. i press the button, nothing happens. Give it 10 seconds and the vision will be blurry and then another 10+ secs till i see my character but still darkened, then another few for the whole transformation.. Never happened when i was in werewolf form.. must be cause the file is getting bigger and bigger as i progress in game? But i can say is there's few to no problems on 1.8 in my experience..

I can't say its my PS3 cause i had the PS3 500gb one and only played 3 games on it so far and its only been 4 months. So i don't think its running out of space or something cause other games works smoothly.
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:50 pm

Here is some bug after new installation with all dlc and patch 2.09 (european). 1) wolves do not make more any howl sound, how sad 2) radiant quest that involves going to solstein from skyrim (example treasure hunter) not working, avoid them 3) minor quest "back to grace" in Solitude did not fix, if you retrieve amulet of talos before taking the quest it will be stuck in inventory marked as quest item. 46 hours in skyrim, some freeze, 0 lag, 0 eternal loading screen, savegame 7800 kb
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:00 pm

Until quite recently I never have had any serious problems, the occasional stutter, lag, freeze and eternal loading screen, but not to bad. But then about a week ago or so, after installing 1.9, all of a sudden I experienced several eternal loading screens, freezes and very bad stuttering/lag. Was just about to do the whole unistall/re-install thing when I for some reason turned my PS3 upside down and saw that all the air vents were filled with dust. So I blew them clean with some canned air, and hey presto, Skyrims runs smooth like silk (almost) again.

May not work for everyone, but it help keep the PS3 cool, and overheating is never good for electronic devices.

BTW: I've a newer slim model with a Western Digital 500 GB HDD (I replaced the original 120 GB), 250 GB free disk space. Skyrim with all three DLCs, 14 MB save files, new character from 1.8, finished DG and DB, 300+ play time
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:43 pm

When you've installed the patch, you should wait 80 hours to let the patch do its work. When I yesterday played it, I was searching for lags and framerate drops... I didn't discover any. (save file 8MB)

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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:15 am

Every single day I've tried to play it, it's crashed on me. I've had it crash on me 3 times in just 3 days/13 total hours of play time while starting over under the new patch. The lag, though unpleasant, isn't too terrible, but it freezes and crashes *way* too often, On the plus side, two of the three crashes were neverending-load-screen style crashes and not hard freezes, but I still have no idea how it can continue to perform so badly even after nine patches and nearly 1.5 year's worth of time to observe the problems in the engine.

I'm glad there are some folks on here who are enjoying the new patch, but I'm not one of them. With that said, I'm tired of waiting for it to work correctly before making a serious effort to try to play through it, because I'm convinced now that it just isn't going to work correctly, so I'm *going* to get through one character on this game and experience every lagging, crashing, hair-pulling minute of it. And then, after I've crashed nearly 100 times or more just for the simple act of finishing up two guild quests and seeing the ending of the game, I will retire the character I made...and then, the game is going in a box and that box is straight up going in the river.

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Laura Tempel
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:37 pm

Have you tried reinstalling the game, maybe it helps. Or have you ever done a restore file system, or rebuild database to see if you have some improvement.? :D

I play dawnguard for a while right now but it seems smooth sailing for me. :cool: (we play the same game on the same console i

btw. "...and then, the game is going in a box and that box is straight up going in the river" :rofl:

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:44 pm

Been awhile. I'm so super duper surprised that there's issues galore still.

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Damian Parsons
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:25 pm

I tried all of those options and they didn't seem to help, Mark, but I still appreciate the advice. I did stumble upon something that helped a lot with the crashing, though. Rather than trying to play for one long, uninterrupted session without problems (which is almost certainly going to wind up with the game crashing on me), I've found that it makes the experience of playing the game far less frustrating to get into the habit of saving, quitting the game, and then immediately restarting it after playing it a couple of hours or so.

By breaking up the total play time into sessions of no more than a couple of hours or so each, it hasn't been crashing on me lately, which is much more enjoyable and seems to be much less of a strain on the PS3. If anyone else is getting freezing/crashes, I highly recommend that for you also.

On a little bit of a downnote, I also noticed right before I quit playing the game during my last session that my crosshairs for my bow had stopped working on horseback. When I quit to the system menu and restarted, though, they started working again That was the first time I had ever noticed that problem, but the fact that it can be fixed just by quitting and reloading makes it a minor problem. Overall, now that I'm able to keep the frequent crashes at bay, I'm actually kind of enjoying Skyrim again. It's still going in the river when I'm done with it, though, (and I'm glad you liked that one)! =)

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:55 am

btw yesterday i had a problem with Dawnguard DLC. I different kind anyway. I get stuck at blackreach forest. I can't continue because it was so dark,

The areas were so dark it was impossible to see a think. So after moving from another cave to another i couldn't find the exit.

So i moved on like beth (lol) erased everything an now i play another game instead... :D I feel so relieved right now... :tops:

It was a good game nevertheless, i actually liked it...but life goes on and a have a bunch o games that i will actually play right now. :D

I wish people good luck with this extraordinary game, and i will help them as best i can !!!! :cool:

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:22 pm

Encountered another glitch.. this time it's about Breaking Dawn for the Daedric prince Meridia.. after i get dawnbreaker, you will be teleported outside again and be really high up in the air... well after our little chat and me becoming another Daedra pet.. she's supposed to gently bring me down.. but whenever i get near the ground it just drops me dead x_x tried reloading a save but same stuff happens.. never encountered this b4.. but any suggestions?

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:36 pm

try this: when speaking with Meridia, skip through all dialogue by tapping the X button

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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:50 am

Tried it, was trying to press X button cause i repeated the scene few times but it doesn't wanna skip the convo. I just had to re-load a save file and get the heck out of that place and do some more missions.. I'm planning to do that very mission the last mission for my nord stormcloak before i create another chara.

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