» Sun May 05, 2013 12:18 pm
So I installed the update yesterday and played for about 2 hours with no major lagging (and no freezing either). My save game is 14MB, 200 hours played. I have all three DLCs installed but haven't completed the Dragonborn main quest yet. I'm playing on a 120GB slim PS3.
The legendary skills work as you would expect, and so does the legendary difficulty setting. These new features are actually pretty cool IMO, they definitely make me want to spend a few more hours playing Skyrim, so overall I can say I'm happy with the update.
Previous bugs I had come across are still there — for example, one of the manequins in Lakeview Manor keeps duplicating the armor I first placed there, which means I can't really use it. I know this is old, but it's the only bug I can remember now, considering I haven't really had many quest-related problems.
Of course the game does stutter a bit every now and then, especially when you're riding a horse near certain areas (in my case, stuttering gets really annoying near Riften), but all in all, this looks very much like patch 1.8 + the legendary stuff. Which is fine, I guess.
Also, I don't really care that much about lip synching and people sleeping with their eyes open (though the latter does sound funny), but in case you're wondering, I didn't have any of these problems. Will keep looking anyway.