Patch petition

Post » Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:08 am

Hey guys and girls I am creating this topic as a way for people to basically throw their names in the hat to show Bethesda that we want Skyrim to receive a patch to try and fix the massive amount of bugs and glitches. I love Skyrim and the elder scrolls series but lets be honest the ridiculous amount of bugs in Skyrim is to the point of being unacceptable. We paid full price for a game and that should entail a full unbroken entertainment experience which we are not getting with the numerous bugs, some small and annoying others down right game breaking. Many players interested in this type of game pour hours upon hours into them only to have their games break due to a glitch making them unplayable and after the many hours invested this is infuriating and heartbreaking making the player never want to even look at the game again.

We were also promised patches when Bethesda announced that were no longer producing dlc for Skyrim which again to be frank the amount of dlc for such a huge title was again a let down. As quoted in an article available on Kotaku " Even though we are moving on, we'll still have minor updates to Skyrim as needed.We've invested so much of ourselves into Skyrim and will never truly say goodbye to it." * link removed*

I would like all of you to tell Bethesda that you want a patch released for the game you paid your hard earned money on, post the glitches you have experienced down in the comments and request that they be fixed its time to hold Bethesda to higher standards they make fantastic games but ultimately fail to provide enough support for them and ensure that problems are down to an absolute minimum.

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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:25 am

We don't allow petitions for anything about anything on this forum. Sorry.

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Caroline flitcroft
Posts: 3412
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