So I've been working on my Sanctuary Since the beginning of the game even tore the whole thing down just to start over, I really Love the settlement aspect to the game it gives me more to do and kept me distracted from beating the whole game to soon. It wasn't until patches 1.3 and 1.4 where my fun stopped with the settlements. Yes, for the most part it was the Duplication that made the settlement more fun for me because I didn't have to waste so much time gathering resources Instead that time was all spent building up Sanctuary, over 400+ hours and level 72 and about 63 of those levels are all from building in Sanctuary just to give a reference of how long I've spent building up my Mini City. Yes I was furious when patch 1.3 and 1.4 came out and completely took away the ability to Dup Items but the real kicker here is how they describe it in the fix log like it was a real problem that was plaguing the game and somehow ruining it, " Fixed issue with duplicating scraps shipments", really Bethesda!?... REALLY! Maybe it's an issue for you guys but to us that Love settlement build its a stab in the back seeing as it was done on purpose because there where far greater problems with the game then people taking advantage of some much needed glitches in the game, you know, some of those patch note that clam you fix issues with certain quests or settlements and well guess what they didn't. Never mind that fact that us console gamers are the ones getting screwed in the long run because we don't get the use of console commands, and no I'm not saying all you PC gamers use it but that fact remains, the tools are there for PC gamers to use if needed and us console gamers get left in the back burn and now have to wait for your "so called patch fixes" to maybe fix real game breaking bugs, but anyways I can deal with them taking away some of these very helpful glitches because I over duplicated all my items in advanced to where I have enough materials to build the same Sanctuary 10 times over, but now after 1.4 patch I have lost the ability to really edit my settlement I can no long clip electrical items through concrete walls, floors or ceiling pieces? WHY Bethesda, WHY would you stop this from being able to be done, so much of my design relied on being able to do these things and now I can't. I'm Super sad Bethesda .
- This is my custom, to make these I would us one of the smaller floor pieces then clip the power pylon through the floor piece, add a mat and set a lamp on the mat then remove the floor piece and wallah! Street light! but now I can't clip the power pylon through anything I use to be able to including wires.
Can't Do this any more.
- Also with things like the windmills I can no longer clip through roofs.
- I can no longer just place even when I use another Item to clip the over the pylon, that doesn't help when that's attached through it, these are all things that were able to be done prior to 1.4 patch.
Was this done on purpose or was this accidentally fixed by fixing a different problem? Because there's nothing in the patch notes that say anything about this being one of your brilliant fixes that never work.