Patch something that will actually help the game...

Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:10 pm

Let me start by saying that I love the Fallout series and I'm not trying to tear them down but it seems like every patch takes out something that was helpful or not a big deal and leaves us with problems with our frame rates or freezing. The giant radscorpion glitch in Goodsprings wasn't hurting anything in the game. It was nothing more than a quick and easy way to level up if a player chose to do so. This isn't a multiplayer game like Call of Duty where level matters. I also noticed my frame rates dropping and my game freezing more and more often, which is quite frustrating. I was hoping your latest patch (Patch 1.07) would do something to fix this but instead it prevents me from leveling up any further. I am currently level 48 and now I receive no further experience. Maybe this was a glitch and needed fix, but my frame rate problem persists and if anything it has worsened. I can not play more than 10 minutes without my game freezing when I open a door go to pull up my Pip-Boy. I'm not going to threaten a boycott or anything like that, but Bethseda please install a patch that helps the game more than it hurts it. Fallout: New Vegas is too good of a game to be ruined because of these patches. Thank you.

Feel free to post on this topic with comments of your own and if I posted this in the wrong area, please tell me. I want to make sure this is hear.

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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:25 am

I'll second that motion. I'm really, really, really wishing I hadn't logged on to PSN tonight because then I wouldn't have to deal with this miserable patch. I wasted a night being frustrated and it's not the first time. Unfortunately, this is the WORST it has ever been. Frame rate stinks, can't level up, and I'm in the process of completing final missions worth a lot of XP that would help me level up. Now I'm forced to put the game back on the shelf until it's fixed. Sad because I think the Bethesda team is really talented when it comes to story lines and intriguing plots. LOVE the game, but to be honest it was better on day 1 than it is now.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:21 am

Works fine for me, did before too.

Have you guys tried cleaning your PS3's system files lately, or at all? It can do wonders to help preformance.

Just boot up in safe mode and run [Restore File System], that option leaves all your saves/dls/etc intact but fixes corrupt system only files. I've had to do it a few times this year alone, it's fixed a lot of freezing/lag, and I can garuntee you when it scans for corruption it will find some.
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Sunny Under
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:56 am

It's only a bug if it screws you over right?
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John Moore
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:48 am

Works fine for me, did before too.

Have you guys tried cleaning your PS3's system files lately, or at all? It can do wonders to help preformance.

Just boot up in safe mode and run [Restore File System], that option leaves all your saves/dls/etc intact but fixes corrupt system only files. I've had to do it a few times this year alone, it's fixed a lot of freezing/lag, and I can garuntee you when it scans for corruption it will find some.

hey numb nuts, apparently you are new here so ill let you in on a secret, LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE HAVING THESE PROBLEMS. since fallout 3 the people of this forum have tried everything that a consumer can to fix these ongoing issues, THE PROBLEM IS NOT ON THE CONSUMER SIDE. the engine used by bethesda and by extension obsidian, is extremely flawed and has never, since day one, worked properly.
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marie breen
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:03 am

Works fine for me, did before too.

Have you guys tried cleaning your PS3's system files lately, or at all? It can do wonders to help preformance.

Just boot up in safe mode and run [Restore File System], that option leaves all your saves/dls/etc intact but fixes corrupt system only files. I've had to do it a few times this year alone, it's fixed a lot of freezing/lag, and I can garuntee you when it scans for corruption it will find some.

Just in case this is the problem I'm facing, where is "Restore File System" located and how do I start it?
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