Works fine for me, did before too.
Have you guys tried cleaning your PS3's system files lately, or at all? It can do wonders to help preformance.
Just boot up in safe mode and run [Restore File System], that option leaves all your saves/dls/etc intact but fixes corrupt system only files. I've had to do it a few times this year alone, it's fixed a lot of freezing/lag, and I can garuntee you when it scans for corruption it will find some.
hey numb nuts, apparently you are new here so ill let you in on a secret, LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE HAVING THESE PROBLEMS. since fallout 3 the people of this forum have tried everything that a consumer can to fix these ongoing issues, THE PROBLEM IS NOT ON THE CONSUMER SIDE. the engine used by bethesda and by extension obsidian, is extremely flawed and has never, since day one, worked properly.