Patch 1.4 Summary...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:00 am

Hello everyone - yes it is me again - so if you don't enjoy my posts i would ask you kindly to leave the thread instead of pointlessly trolling - thank you!

This is my summary of Crytek's attempt at a patch - because frankly it goes as far as an attempt without actually achieving anything.

First of all - we thought 1.4 was gonna bring something new to the table and by that i mean fix those bugs previously over-looked. Instead it did neither!
In fact the patch was so helpful it fixed problems that about 5% of the community was having and then 75% of that 5% (yes this are a lot of percentages here) don't even participate in these forums and probably left the game long ago... Anyhow... Yes the patch fixed basically nothing for the overwhelming majority of the C2 players.

Ok so low and behold! The pinnacle of anti-cheat system - hail the vote kick! Oh wait...
This ancient form of mob justice is a proven remedy - but only sometimes - and only when PEOPLE KNOW HOW TO USE THE DAMNED THING!

Let me tell you - you don't design your top of the line feature and brag about it just to have people wander how the hell they are suppose to use it! You do not incorporate a function into the game and then have people using the console to access it! Yes the more "in the know" crowd will be able to use it - but let me remind some of you that there are hordes of Joe Bloggs' playing that have no clue how to even open the console!
A vote kick is only effective if people actually know HOW TO VOTE!
Imagine a presidential election where you get a blank piece of paper and you have no idea what to do with it... Do you draw the picture of the president or write his name? And nobody is there to explain it to you...
Win logic is win Crytek - master of logic...

You might seem this is a total rage-thread but it isn't i am just upset over the lack of promised and indeed needed features!

The completely unnecessary gun balance hasn't even been applies - and yes it is unnecessary.
Let me tell you - as much as i hate having one single (or maybe two) gun(s) dominating the game and being superior to everything else there is something i hate even more...
I hate when every gun in the game svcks for the balance's sake... SCAR is not overpowered it is just well rounded - and it should stay that way! By reducing the output damage of the SCAR - which is the most used weapon in the game for your information- you are reducing the pace of the game as the SCAR was pretty much the only thing that was able to kill quick enough to provide some kind of pace. The Feline is also getting nerfed for no good reason as it will still be in the completely different galaxy in terms of efficiency comparing to crappy K-Volt aka Kriss-Vector....

However one of the things that buggs me the most is why in the name of all holy would you nerf something as terrible as the SCARAB - i know there are ways of using that thing - but the muzzle flash from that gun is something out of this world - well maybe only a Vulcan cannon can compare (Vulcan cannon is basically a big bad minigun).

The other thing is; why wasn't the Gauss boosted? It is nowhere near as good as the DSG-1!
Why does the orbital strike still freezes the server?

These are issues that bug me with gameplay... My biggest issue however is this:

All light/dark balance is messed up. I don't know if it is because im using ATI and not Nvidia but i never had this damn problem before the patch! Also the game laggs like hell! And it never used to lag before...
(using ATI's 6870)

Crytek oh Crytek - you are far from the promise land of gaming developers... You don't earn the hearts and minds of gamers with pretty graphics and explosions... Learn from valve dear friends and we will all be happy.
Remember that you shouldn't disregard what the forum says.

I guess that was my river of thoughts for you to think about!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:15 am

You don't earn the hearts and minds of gamers with pretty graphics and explosions...

No, that's what they used to stand for. Now they earn the hearts of console gamers by producing a polished Xbox game for the console kiddies.

Crysis was solely about pretty graphics and explosions. Now it's not. ****ing DX9 only. Like seriously wtf.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:11 am

You don't earn the hearts and minds of gamers with pretty graphics and explosions...

No, that's what they used to stand for. Now they earn the hearts of console gamers by producing a polished Xbox game for the console kiddies.

Crysis was solely about pretty graphics and explosions. Now it's not. ****ing DX9 only. Like seriously wtf.

Yeah but at least that was a pc exclusive you know...
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:38 pm

Yeah but at least that was a pc exclusive you know...

My point exactly.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:04 am

Folks were sayin' 1.4 was a STFU Patch, it's turning out to be a FU one instead.
*DX11 Junkie*
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:18 am

Good read and good opinions. I think you're right on.
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:09 am

Folks were sayin' 1.4 was a STFU Patch, it's turning out to be a FU one instead.
*DX11 Junkie*

unfortunately i have to agree...

it breaks more than it fixes for me at least!
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:25 am

Agree on he vote kick etc. But the nerfing was fine. The scar still rules. Just needs more skill which I know we both got so.
But the Gauss sniper and Gauss attachment!? Whata hell :S:S:S:S The DSG still rules it.

Also pointing another thing out ->
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:36 am

I think just give the community some time with the vote kick feature. HUD/GUi setup would have been better less complicated etc , but people will eventually learn how to use it.

One thing i would love to see is being able to create your own private server (eg> L4D etc...) it would be a great ground for testing new setups with your clannies etc... Or at least start a map from the console on your own to pratice etc...

Otherwise good post .
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:30 pm


Agree with everything.
4 patches later and I still cannot unlock C4, Mike or Gauss >level 39.

Nor do my level progression of modules save properly.

Nor does my Nano Catalyst change from Zero. It saves...just that it's always saved as ZERO.

Oh, and I still couldn't redeem my PREORDER stuff.

Another thing, why hasn't Radar, Tagged Enemy Arrows, and Tactical Options been removed for the highest difficulty? Maybe I should just go back to playing Metal Gear Solid or something...
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Roy Harris
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:35 pm


Agree with everything.
4 patches later and I still cannot unlock C4, Mike or Gauss >level 39.

Nor do my level progression of modules save properly.

Nor does my Nano Catalyst change from Zero. It saves...just that it's always saved as ZERO.

Oh, and I still couldn't redeem my PREORDER stuff.

Another thing, why hasn't Radar, Tagged Enemy Arrows, and Tactical Options been removed for the highest difficulty? Maybe I should just go back to playing Metal Gear Solid or something...

first time i did crysis 2 singleplayer i could collect nano points

second time i played on different difficult lvl, i cant collect them anymore.

on multiplayer i unlock everything (weapons and more)

sometimes when i unlock a new medal, our how you call it, once a week i lose 1, but then later i unlock it again and i keep it.

i think i can call myself one of the lucky ones who did not lose ranks lvls and any other things.

it looks like some save files are stored on our pc thats why some have no problems and other do.

if it would be saved on a serverside storage then we all had to have some problems am i right?

mabey some pcs of players are giving problems?

dunno just a idea

hope it will be fixed for alot of you guys!
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:01 pm

The nano-catalyst bug is a mystery to me!
First time i played through i had about 15k nanocatalysts left over.

When i started the game again on PostHumanWarrior they were reset to 0 and for some time i couldn't collect any. However the upgrades from the first play-through stayed on the suit!

By the time i finnished my 4th run through i have now over 70k nano catalysts :S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:37 am

The nano catalyst still is a BUG unsolved... even is collecting and is still remain is ZERO!!!! some people say just replay the last MISSION... well... not all of us got solve that problem (BUG) even replay STILL UNABLE to correct the BUG. also 2nd - 3rd run the game still SAME BUG the (Nano catalyst STILL REMAIN ZERO).... OR it that a way to do the FRESH install again....
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:30 am

Hello everyone - yes it is me again - so if you don't enjoy my posts i would ask you kindly to leave the thread instead of pointlessly trolling - thank you!

The completely unnecessary gun balance hasn't even been applies - and yes it is unnecessary.
Let me tell you - as much as i hate having one single (or maybe two) gun(s) dominating the game and being superior to everything else there is something i hate even more...
I hate when every gun in the game svcks for the balance's sake... SCAR is not overpowered it is just well rounded - and it should stay that way! By reducing the output damage of the SCAR - which is the most used weapon in the game for your information- you are reducing the pace of the game as the SCAR was pretty much the only thing that was able to kill quick enough to provide some kind of pace. The Feline is also getting nerfed for no good reason as it will still be in the completely different galaxy in terms of efficiency comparing to crappy K-Volt aka Kriss-Vector....

However one of the things that buggs me the most is why in the name of all holy would you nerf something as terrible as the SCARAB - i know there are ways of using that thing - but the muzzle flash from that gun is something out of this world - well maybe only a Vulcan cannon can compare (Vulcan cannon is basically a big bad minigun).

The other thing is; why wasn't the Gauss boosted? It is nowhere near as good as the DSG-1!
Why does the orbital strike still freezes the server?

I guess that was my river of thoughts for you to think about!

I agree with the above opinion fully. A very limited number of people demand that some weapons be nerfed. As a result some changes for the worse are applied and those weapons are crap. It does not make any sense and no one benefits from it. The SCAR should stay as it is. The same is true of some of the other weapons as well. Stupid changes make the gameplay far worse.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:51 pm

just so you know, I have encountered the light/dark bug as well, and I use Nvidia gtx480 sli FYI, so it's not only an ATI problem.
I'm enjoying the game very much aside from the one thing that bothers me which is the orbital strike AND ceph gunship support bonus lag/bugs.
I'm always afraid to activate them because when I do, everyone freezes and strange stuff happens. ie: can't sprint ( i sort of GLIDE), can't reload weapon, then next thing you know someone kills me from a totally different spot from where I was. Then the game evens out again and things go back to normal, but that bug is ANNOYING as hell!
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:46 pm

i had loads of issues even with single player game untill i traded out my quad sli gtx 295's for gtx 480's through evga and upgraded to the i think its 270.61 driver. i had horrrrrible ghosting and blur issues and with the gtx 480 thats gone now. the game plays somewhat smooth and i get excellent framerates (it shoudl its only dx9!) the only major issue i have now is ocassinal flickering and like mixing of effect/colors. this dont happen often just ocassinaly. sad part is is this game was realeased in mid-march and its still not finished which is kinda sad. the updates they have done were 90% all multiplayer which i rarely play as i like singleplayer mode for the story line. this is just my 2 cents but ummmm the game STILL isnt finished and its been since mid-march that it was released.............just
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:07 am

I still agree they would have at least released a readme for those who DON'T know how to vote kick. Most players don't even come here and read. Pathetic eh? lol. I know how at least and i had to explain so many players who to vote lol. Then i end up just 2 votes left nobody bothered to kick the cheater. lame. lol.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:20 am

I still agree they would have at least released a readme for those who DON'T know how to vote kick. Most players don't even come here and read. Pathetic eh? lol. I know how at least and i had to explain so many players who to vote lol. Then i end up just 2 votes left nobody bothered to kick the cheater. lame. lol.

Yea I agree. It's really frustrating
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