C2 - MP Patch

Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:39 pm


include the next patch a good Multiplayer? :)
Crytek seriously, this MP is a bad joke! You destroy everything good ideas from Crysis 1/Wars and make a nice copy of other MP games! I dont know the intention from crytek but I am sure: This intention was not good!

Or a better idea: Make the *.pak files and more "opensource" like C1/Wars... maybe the community can save the MP... I think crytek won′t do that!

Btw. Where is the announced dedicated server?
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Heather M
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:08 am

i think the multi should not be as buggy as it is, you cannot make a perfect game. although all the demo's they had and the 3 month delay i think they should have bein able to fix it up and added dx11 support, so these people saying it is EA's fault for pushign them foward is bull ****. they had a dead line and they failed, they had another dead line in 3 months and they decided to slack off and now they have to go through a situation like treyarch did just to make there users happy.
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Ian White
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:22 am

Dedicated servers are our, however, you can only buy servers from official partners, you can't host from your on server/pc

Crytek said that sandbox 3 (cryengine 3 sdk) would come out in summer, being able to port maps into crysis 2 MP hasn't been confirmed

my guess is that EA wants to release some map packs before giving the dedicated servers and mod support to the community
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Chris Jones
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