My 2 cents:
To everyone who is saying "They should've not released it until it was ready!" If the bugs are that big of a deal for you, you can always simply not play it until they are fixed and stop complaining about it. If you were willing to wait an extra three months while BS polished the game, why can't you wait that 3 months anymore?
Yes they released the game with bugs, oh well, at this point in time just assume the bugs are a way of playing, maybe make a new game where you don't rely 100% on magic resistance, or figure out a new way to play your game where you are better and stronger and don't need the magic resistance, or possibly go explore a different aspect of the game while you wait, maybe wander the wilderness searching for every possibly ingredient you can find.
All I'm asking is for the love of god stop complaining about something that you obviously know they are already working to fix. Its not like they're going to read your post either, they're probably trying to fix the problem, plus I don't think anyone would want to listen to this argument and idiocy constantly criticizing their hard work and years of effort because of a few errant lines of code that don't play nice together or what have you.
1) Its a big deal because I bought the game. I didn't agree to give them 60 dollars for a future product.
2) Great, so I am glad you can decide what resists are actually needed for my character. Also, whats the point of searching things out if my saved game is going to become corrupt? At that point I am better off waiting for a patch. There are only so many times I can restart the game before going crazy.
3) Are they working on fixing it? Honestly, the state the ui released as was inexcusable for the pc. Have you seen the unofficial oblivion patch? Take a good look at all its fixes, things that were never addressed by Beth, and tell me you still have blind faith