1.2 Patch

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:51 am

Beth really is ruining their reputation right about now.

Release a big game ever few years and people simply forget about how buggy the initial released product was. They aren't ruining a reputation they never had, their games have always been pretty buggy at first.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:40 am

I wish some of you whiners actually learned programming, so you could see for yourself just how damnably difficult it can be, especially with something on the scale of Skyrim.


No one is saying its easy , but they should TEST there own product before putting it out, by the looks of it they didn't do that. I worked in IBM for 12 years and knew a lot of the programmers and systems they worked on. Making changes to programs, they knew themselves and didn't need to be told, that making a change or changes to one part of a program can have an effect on another part of it.

Again no one is saying its an easy thing to do , and as far as I can see no one is saying that, but at the same time they should have tested 1.02 before releasing it. Players who installed 1.02 found out these things within hours, the anger is not about who hard or easy programming is, its over the lack of testing before releasing the patch.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:15 am

Well Deven (if thats even your real name), if " it takes time to replicate, find the cause and fix." then they should have taken the time to test more before the game came out or delayed it. Releasing buggy games, as Bethesda ALWAYS does, just frustrates its legions of diehard fans. Why in the world would you release a patch without properly testing it in the first place?

You do realize it is nearly impossible to fix every bug players will experience before release?
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:46 am

Im surprised they didnt even warn people on twitter. None of the official blogs mention it
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:12 am

You do realize it is nearly impossible to fix every bug players will experience before release?

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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:33 am

You do realize it is nearly impossible to fix every bug players will experience before release?

It's absolutely impossible to find and fix all possible bugs. That doesn't excuse shoddy process though.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:22 am

It's absolutely impossible to find and fix all possible bugs. That doesn't excuse shoddy process though.

Do you think they intented to have bugs? Also, do you know how hard it can be to fix certain bugs? For example, the no resistance bug, could have come through an unexpected conflict of several things, which are hidden in billions of lines of code.........
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:50 am

I haven't had anything update on me yet.. so I made a complete copy of the Skyrim folder and my Saves folder. If I have any problems with the patch myself I'll just copy back in the good stuff and turn off auto updates. I would suggest that anyone that hasn't updated and can make full back ups, do so.
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Bethany Short
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:08 am

how about dont recall this patch...but start working on the next patch?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:15 pm

I'm just wondering - if there are so many people that experience the same bugs, on the same console (Xbox).. then why don't I experience them?
Am I a little too glad for this game, or am I just not wearing my complaint-glasses?
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:30 am

Why in the world would you release a patch without properly testing it in the first place?

i dont think they know how...?
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:29 am

how about dont recall this patch...but start working on the next patch?

At the very least, they should get a hotfix out to deal with the Resistance and Dragon bugs.

I'm just wondering - if there are so many people that experience the same bugs, on the same console (Xbox).. then why don't I experience them?
Am I a little too glad for this game, or am I just not wearing my complaint-glasses?

Luck maybe. Or some are triggered by doing things ina certain way. I've suffered a few bugs mysel;f, but like you I've not suffered a lot of the major ones that are being reported.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:50 pm

Is the PC patch out yet?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:36 pm

Is the PC patch out yet?

Are you a pirate?

edit: woop, got my first star :)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:52 am

Are you a pirate?

edit: woop, got my first star :)

Why would he be?

The PC patch is supposed to be released today too. No sign of it yet.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:22 pm

Why would he be?

The PC patch is supposed to be released today too. No sign of it yet.

Oh, I thought Steam already distributed the patch.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:29 am

I can't check at the moment.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:29 am

At the very least, they should get a hotfix out to deal with the Resistance and Dragon bugs.

Luck maybe. Or some are triggered by doing things ina certain way. I've suffered a few bugs mysel;f, but like you I've not suffered a lot of the major ones that are being reported.

I do have met some minor bugs - but nothing that have made me rant like hell. This game is freakin' awesome and I can play it like I want to. I have no complaints! Yeah - it freezes sometimes, but saving so now and then kind of solves that problem, until Beth solves that. So, I don't see a purpose in ranting unless I meet a bug that makes me handicapped in playing this game..
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Wane Peters
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:38 am

They need to tell us something.

I for one don't feel like playing something worse. Backwards flying dragons and no magical boost? No thanks, Bethesda, you can keep your update.

No acknowledgement from you just pisses your customers off more! What is going on?????

HUGE FAKE!!! Backwards flying dragons!! FAKE!!! Look at the video.! It's a small dragon flying like a butterfly. Didn't see it!?
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:19 am

It's absolutely impossible to find and fix all possible bugs. That doesn't excuse shoddy process though.

No it doesn't but honestly from my experiences Bethesda games have been good enough in terms of bugs on release. Reading these forums I realize people either don't understand the shear amount of work that goes into this game and fixing glitches or they are over reacting. Sure there are a some people who truly are having problems but most posts I see hear are just whining for the sake of whining.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:44 pm

My 2 cents:

To everyone who is saying "They should've not released it until it was ready!" If the bugs are that big of a deal for you, you can always simply not play it until they are fixed and stop complaining about it. If you were willing to wait an extra three months while BS polished the game, why can't you wait that 3 months anymore?

Yes they released the game with bugs, oh well, at this point in time just assume the bugs are a way of playing, maybe make a new game where you don't rely 100% on magic resistance, or figure out a new way to play your game where you are better and stronger and don't need the magic resistance, or possibly go explore a different aspect of the game while you wait, maybe wander the wilderness searching for every possibly ingredient you can find.

All I'm asking is for the love of god stop complaining about something that you obviously know they are already working to fix. Its not like they're going to read your post either, they're probably trying to fix the problem, plus I don't think anyone would want to listen to this argument and idiocy constantly criticizing their hard work and years of effort because of a few errant lines of code that don't play nice together or what have you.
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Jason King
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:58 am

The Forbidden legend

Quest is simply not working for me anymore, I've been into 2 out of 3 caves or whatever, and the third one says I need a key to enter, but there is no key, and arrow is simply standing above the gate...

Any help would be appreciated.
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Len swann
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:32 pm

I wish some of you whiners actually learned programming, so you could see for yourself just how damnably difficult it can be, especially with something on the scale of Skyrim.

Do you have any idea what scripting means in a game?

If it really were so easy as just typing out an extra couple letters or deleting them, we'd see that.

It's a different matter when you have to sift through thousands of lines of code to make the necessary changes, and then you have to make sure that it doesn't create new problems with other scripts because of the changes.

Releasing a game that is perfectly bug-free and glitch-free that is as huge as Bethesda has always made them, with the sheer volume of scripting and coding that goes into it and all the potential conflicts that can arise from an open-sandbox structure using all that scripting...it's a nice dream.

Put it this way: The more complicated a given system, the more likely something is going to go wrong with one of the parts. A machine that uses only three gears and runs fine will be far less likely to have complications in performance than a machine that uses 2000 gears for the same function.

That may be true but they are still a business as as such need to act professionally by doing something like - oh communicating with us at the minimum? That is what is wrong with this industry nowadays and [censored] LOVE to make all kinds of excuses for a lot of inexcusable things. This is why these games come out in such unfinished states because they know that they can get away with it and that their fans will love them anyways!

Do you think that YOUR boss would accept that kind of work ethic out of you? I should think not! He/she would probably fire you as they are in the business to make money and if you aren't producing, then you sadly are of no use to them. THAT is the way it is, why do gaming companies get to make excuses for poor product/testing/lazy porting?
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:52 pm

Most people here seem to expect either too much or too little from the Bethesda team.

Yes, making a game like this is hard, putting a patch out through a 3rd party device makes it more of a nightmare. Agreed.

The smallish bugs that I have encountered so far are to be expected, anyone expecting to pay 60$ for a game of this magnitude and have millions play it for hundreds of hours each without finding any mistakes at all is being unreasonable. That being said, a screw up that completely takes out a part of the game (IE: resistances from this latest patch) is a pretty glaring mistake.

Even with it being such a horrible screw up I'm not the type to judge so quickly, rant, rave, and threaten like so many others on this thread. I understand that anyone from individuals to large corporations can make "boo-boos".... it happens. However Bethesda will be judged harshly based on how they react to the news, a fix by the end of the day and all will be forgotten. If it takes a week or longer there could be some major fallout (lolwordplaylol) from this.

I also believe they need a better PR department (whether that be more people, more positions, or entirely new positions), the more information you give out to your customer base the more likely that customer base will understand and forgive whatever problems arise.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:45 am

My 2 cents:

To everyone who is saying "They should've not released it until it was ready!" If the bugs are that big of a deal for you, you can always simply not play it until they are fixed and stop complaining about it. If you were willing to wait an extra three months while BS polished the game, why can't you wait that 3 months anymore?

Yes they released the game with bugs, oh well, at this point in time just assume the bugs are a way of playing, maybe make a new game where you don't rely 100% on magic resistance, or figure out a new way to play your game where you are better and stronger and don't need the magic resistance, or possibly go explore a different aspect of the game while you wait, maybe wander the wilderness searching for every possibly ingredient you can find.

All I'm asking is for the love of god stop complaining about something that you obviously know they are already working to fix. Its not like they're going to read your post either, they're probably trying to fix the problem, plus I don't think anyone would want to listen to this argument and idiocy constantly criticizing their hard work and years of effort because of a few errant lines of code that don't play nice together or what have you.

1) Its a big deal because I bought the game. I didn't agree to give them 60 dollars for a future product.

2) Great, so I am glad you can decide what resists are actually needed for my character. Also, whats the point of searching things out if my saved game is going to become corrupt? At that point I am better off waiting for a patch. There are only so many times I can restart the game before going crazy.

3) Are they working on fixing it? Honestly, the state the ui released as was inexcusable for the pc. Have you seen the unofficial oblivion patch? Take a good look at all its fixes, things that were never addressed by Beth, and tell me you still have blind faith :P
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