I've read enough posts from people who actually know what they're talking about to assume the magic resistance bug is confirmed, and I've turned off auto updates for Skyrim as a result.
Does it occur with a new game? Actually, could be possible if it affects potions too.
With gamesas, the guys at the top are the devs at the top. They create and publish their own works.
But the strings are still pulled by the guys at the top. The ones that make the decisions. 90% of the devs aren't involved in those decisions.
edit: btw, I'm not trying to defend the games buggyness. I've suffered a few issues so far. Bards College quests are buggy for me, script errors, dragons not giving souls occasionally, ragdolls going nuts, bizarre physics, frame rate skipping and occasional momentary freezes (ENB series helped a lot with those) and fatal freezes that need a system restart. I also have two misc quests in my journal that can't be handed in.
It has been a lot less buggy for me than Oblvion and FGallout 3 were though.