This may be seen as a complaint department, but such is not the goal.
What I hope to achieve is a gathering of legitimate suggestions which may be seriously considered for correction in future patches or updates.
1. My character (henceforth known as, I or Me), should know where to aim: in melee, I should at least know where the pointy end of the sword goes. Some form of lock to target should be used so that when the target moves, I move with it instead of swiping at thin air. This does not improve with experience and a hand-eye coordination reduced player, must suffer a hand-eye reduced character. The character should be able to do what the player cannot. At least to some extent.
2. Companions/Followers: these characters are, again, somewhat experienced, so jumping in front of me just in time to take an arrow in the back, or taking complete control of the field, is, to say the least, annoying. My follower should know better than to step out, or prevent me from otherwise engaging in combat.
3. Follower orders: I should have a few more choices governing my follower's AI routine. It would be useful to be able to command the follower when to follow closely (for melee), follow at a discreet distance (for ranged), to wait unless combat ensues (the default), to wait even if combat ensues (to avoid aggravating distant enemies in a stealth situation), etc.
4. Mercy: Nords are known for two things above all - courage and honor. When a foe pleads for mercy, I should be able to grant it and expect that, for this particular dungeon at least, the beaten foe will retreat, or stand down, or otherwise remove themselves from harm. If I attack after giving mercy, the foe should be free to reengage. Also, since bad guys are inherently untrustworthy, they should be able to (as they do now) be able to reengage of their own accord and face whatever consequence this brings upon them. This should not be a given behavior though, and should be modified by my speechcraft skill (or something) as well as my history for keeping or breaking my part of the bargain.
5. Stahlrim...: In Morrowind, we were given to believe that Stahlrim was the specialty material of Skyrim Nords. But now that we are here, what do we find? Malachite for glass? Limit that, and pop in the Stahlrim mines we have waited for.
6. The map: It's a bit difficult to follow the map with the constantly changing cloud cover. It looks great, but is there a way too introduce a static map, similar to Oblivion? With roads and major paths. Referencing would be easier. But please, don't replace the dynamic map, just add a static version and a radio or label button.
Feel free to add to this list with legitimate ideas, and please refrain from pointless complaints. Add constructive reasoning for your suggestion.