» Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:49 am
Is this what the upcoming generation has become? Wait wait wait. You work hard to have nice things, your parents work hard for you to have nice things and for you to have to wait all the time for problems that should have been fixed from launch is unacceptable. Think about this and really apply it to everything in your life. You should not have to wait after you buy anything for a finished product. This has gone on in the video game market for look enough. You should be mad that you can't experience the game entirely from the moment you open. I'm not asking for free stuff or anything. I'm just asking for what I paid my hard earned money for. I game that isn't damaged. I really surprised that you all can be ok with this. Maybe it's been going on for so long now that you've become numb. I for one am disturbed that this is becoming the norm.
I know for a patch that it takes time but come on. CryTech had TWO BETAs not one and not none. I can't believe some of you don't understand this and realize that they cut corners this way. You basically said here's my money and whenever you get around to finishing just let me know.
If you're looking for some sort of a video game revolution, you're very naive. Honestly, I think you just need another hobby. You want to sound like a voice of reason, but you come off sounding like some fanatic lunatic that wants to overthrow a communist regime that doesn't exist. This is not a trend by any means. You don't seem to understand how complex this game really is. FPS games are not simple, and multiplayer adds to that complexity. Yes, this game has it's issues, but it's not "unplayable".
As for applying your logic to real life, do you feel ripped off when you buy clothes that have to be altered to fit your person? Do you request your money back at a restaurant because the cook left off a particular garnish? If you answer yes to these, you need to loosing up. Being that stingy is ridiculous.
I wish you people would stop making claims at Crytek. Crytek, I'm sure, is not completely happy with the game as it is in its current status. EA is the real devil here. Crytek is given deadlines and required to meet them if they want to continue receiving funding. If the game was pushed too early, the blame definitely lies in EA's lap.
We have a hand full of video game producers that rule the game market (Activision, EA, THQ, etc) and all of them are guilty of pushing deadlines on developers. EA seems to me to be basically grasping at straws trying to push these games out to reclaim any bit of the market they can muster. Dragon Age 2 was basically a bust (the game was functioning more or less properly but I did run into a few bugs. Most of the issues for me were with the lackluster story line)... And I'm hoping Mass Effect 3 will not follow suit.
Crytek doesn't exactly have an extensive catalog of games to support. I mean, they have Far Cry, Crysis, and now Crysis 2. I would think they intend to support this game for quite some time.
As stated in many other previous posts, XBL or the PSnetwork don't exactly allow developers to push whatever patch they deem appropriate though on a whim. I would guess Crytek is planning to fix as many of the issues as they can in 1 go (whether or not that's successful is another story). So I would give them a little time.
Of course this could all be ****.
I understand how you can look at this as a movement but it's not. It's about getting quality. Yes I do have a problem not getting what I pay for. Fact is, one day you'll grow up and realize that getting messed over is not something that you have to deal with as a consumer. We make the demands and the market bends for us not the other way around. If it was communist then we would have not say over the market. We just take what we get. Which is what the gaming market has become. I will not blame EA or another parent company when the developers decide bonuses over quality. CryTech made their bed. Games are hard to make but they should have been doing this long enough to have learned from their mistakes. How would you feel if one of these developers went bankrupt after the release of a possibly great game? You wasted a good amount on something you didn't get. This will one day happen and if as consumers we don't stop the cutting corners the gaming market will burn out. I don't want that to happen. I just want something that doesn't have to be updated every month. One day you'll get messed over hard and say "that won't happen again". Then you'll see where I'm coming from.