Well could you at least Bethesda people fix CONTROLS for PC users.
I'm getting tired to be able to deal with Controls from consoles on my "labelled" PC game for windows. As far as I know, when you buy a PC you don't have a gamepad but a mouse and a keyboard to navigate.
Just an exemple, separate controls for :
Melee / Power / Attack. (It's probably fine using a gamepad, it's not using PC keyboard).
I supose you can control your character moves just quite fine with a gamepad, starting from a Walk to a Jogging speed then a running speed and finally the sprint one.
Well it's not on PC. Walk/Run/sprint. That's why some modders tried to change the walk speed to a faster one using the global speed console command modifying both player speed and NPC as well.
So we need a middle speed. I'm not talking about troubles I've got to run the game properly on my 144hz Freesync monitor because the core is set to run at 30 fps. The so called Netimmerse I used to know since DAoC, is going crazy at high freq.
look at this from 8:00, thank you very much, Gopher :