I wondering what are the new cvars added to the Crysys2 1.9. The reason why is I would like to active certain features of Ultra setting as POM (Parallax Occlusion) but left Tesselation off since my ati cards is not tottaly friendly with tesselation. Also, from the 1.9 patch pdf file, i grab the following info:
The new Ultra spec enables:
1. Object: Tessellation, Parallax Occlusion Mapping
2. Particles: Shadows, Particle Motion Blur
3. Post Processing: High Quality Motion Blur and DOF
4. Shading: Contact shadows, Realtime Local Reflections
5. Shadows: Realistic Shadows with Variable Penumbra
6. Water: DX11 version of ocean and water volumes
As you see, for every setting there are at least two features activated, so, I would like to active also DOF but left HQ Motion BLur off.
Waiting for feedback, thanks