Man this forum tends to attract a lot of inconsiderate people. Do you not realize that they cannot fix every single bug in a couple of days? Do you think you are the only other one who is experiencing an issue? Please, be patient or take a seat in the corner.
No, but the bugs/glitches that were present from day one should have been addressed by their quality department prior to release. Sadly, it seems like the PC version was not properly tested on a modern machine running at "ultra" settings - otherwise they would have seen the poor optimization, memory issues, sound problems, lack of proper keybind support, etc...
It's the fact that we've had to wait this long for TWO fixes, while the rest seemingly go ignored. Hell, if Bethesda would simply acknowledge their PC port is marginally broken people would simply be happy with the idea that Bethesda is thinking about fixing it. Instead, they're probably going full tilt on more ignorant DLC so the console kids can have their ADD fix.