I'm concerned about these two:
Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues (PC)
General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls (PC)
I did not get the patch yet, and am pondering if its worth it but from the 2 above are these fixed, or better, i mean is the mouse look a little faster?
Are the controls still backwards and farked up?
I really dont understand why they couldn't just implement the control setup from Oblivion, and then add the 2 handed thing they now have to it.
Why recreate something that wasn't broke to begin with?
Last but not least, not sure if its my cpu, but when running across the country side, entering i think a new zone? all the trees, buildings ect, are like no detail, or simply are not there,
til like 1-2 min later when they finally load.
I have a AMD 2.6 single core cpu, with Geforce GTX 285, 2g ram, 750 watt psu, win xp 32bit, is that loading because of my cpu? or is anyone else getting it too?