1. Lady Rowena's Ayleid Ruins expansion - 8 highly enjoyable dungeons, great reward(s); tough enemies. With FCOM - densely populated... pure pleasure (only thing - I get lost a lot

2. The Ayelid Steps. Another great classic mod.
3. ALEX by Vacuity.
4. Phitt's Artifacts.
While the steps are patched to give you chance to find some ALEX loot in the steps dungeons (over 50 IIRC), ALEX and the steps are not to be seen in Lady Rowena's realm.
Why? Because no one has made a patch to put steps in the Ayleid expansion and to hide some of vacuity's beautiful Ayleid high quality clutter.
Can someone do this please so that the immersion is more complete? Especially the steps. I think that both NNWAE and The Ayleid Steps will only become better.
As for ALEX and Phitt, it's just nice to search for these thingies everywhere, not only vanilla

Thank you and hope to see some patches very soon.