haha well yeah I know, but sometimes you gotta think outside the box, figure out why your team AI is so horrible and the enemy AI is pretty good sometimes.
The difference is they don't got a human player in their team
Also, why is it always that in the last minute the AI suddenly starts to play as a team?The SD devs said that the AI get more better as time goes down.
Hmm......I 'll try, but if it gets worse and there's no patch in the upcoming month or two, I think
I will have unfortunately give up on this game.
And, no, awesome online play (which I am sure will be awesome) should not compensate for that---the game package should be a whole package. If it comes shipped
with the game, it should work or be patched to work.
AI bots should not be dismissed/ignored/"swept under the carpet" because there's an online mode. If the devs wanted to force us to play online, they should do what
Team Fortress 2 did and do
not include a single-player. However, SD did because they wanted to also target people who play single-player modes in FPS games (like me).
Sorry for the rant, but games shouldn't be so much work for me, lol.
I mean, I've played RPG's and Japanese RPG's and some niche games like SMT: Nocturne and stuff, and you have to be super-dedicated to play them, but it's
because of the
gameplay, not because of technical things like AI bots (unless it's a super-duper cheap boss level or something, hehehe).