» Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:32 pm
"Ave. True to Caesar." - Yes, of course. Heil Hitler.
"Hold your tongue wastrel." - Wastrel? I just slaughtered everyone in Forlorn Hope. What have you been doing?
"You're giving me all the heavy stuff, aren't you?" - Duh!
"Ooh, is it a dress?" - It's power armor.
"There's the high roller." - Finally, some recognition.
"We won't go quietly. The Legion can count on that." - Yea, because I'm here.
"When I got this assignment I thought there'd be more gambling." - We could play Russian Roulette.
"The slaves have been spreading rumors about the burned man again." - And you're spreading rumors about their rumors about the burned man, again.
"Those securitrons handing out obituaries, creepy." - Not as creepy as Mr. House.
"This, according to a man armed to the teeth with dynamite." - Piece of [censored] didn't even help. (Who has their explosive skill high enough that early on?)
"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter." - Only half as much as listening to you complain. (Most of them aren't even patrolling, they're manning a post.)
"Why won't you die?!" - Because you're not trying hard enough!