» Fri May 27, 2011 8:47 pm
I vote this way:
1) In your inventory, the game should either run very very slowly or pause totally. This should be an option in the menu screen, maybe related to difficulty. It's unrealistic to expect you to be able to chug potions and switch weapons a lot during combat. But, I think that maybe this needs more thought here than just two options. First off, should the rate of time passing be related to how agile your character is? Two-left-feet Fred shouldn't have much time slowdown, 'cause it takes him forever to get a napkin. Speedy Joe should be able to snatch the right dagger up in a blink, so he should get lots of time slowdown. Also, this time modifier should be moddable, not hardcoded. And it should be a tiny, gradual slowdown improvement that happens naturally. NO PERKS.
Second thought on the subject: maybe the inventory runs 1:1 in ingame time, but has slowdown only during combat? This would also require in-game time to run closer to real time, not five minutes of play is a day in-game time.
2) In lockpicking and containers, DEFINITELY should be in real time. This here should maybe get a slowdown bonus ONLY for people with high lockpicking or lots of agility. Make it a modifier that is something like .001x time slowdown per point of skill or agility. Part of the fun of lockpicking in Morrowind was that you had to watch out for guards and goblins while you're at it. Otherwise it's just another minigame.
The caveat to both of these is that the engine and the game has GOT to, absolutely has to, not have inventory and container loading delays. This is important because anyone can drop the pick and run in a millisecond in real life, but you can't if the game is chugging along contemplating 3,408 potions in the chest while you try to exit the screen and not be eaten by a werewolf.
I would prefer, honestly, that if the devs can't do it well, they not do it. So, please, developers, if you're reading this and strapped for time: make the inventory a pause and lockpicking in realtime with no fancy stuff until you've got the brainpower available to make it right. Or at least make the framework so the modders can do it.