I don't only judge Crytek but also the people stupid enough to buy it. I kept supporting Crytek but this really is the end. I will not buy DLC that I’m supposed to get.
Just a few years ago companies at least knew that extra maps (and more) was a service they are suppose to give. Not some money-maker.
Are those people buying this stuff also aware that buying this stuff in the long run means they will get less maps. Then again, most people these day don't look in the future.
You see, if these companies do sell this stuff to some mass-robots there is a good reason to not allow mods. Why buy payed maps if the community creates them (mostly better maps) for free? So buying this stuff will eventually mean less and 'lesser' maps. (Maybe not in this release but in the future for more and more games)
Not only those people don't look to the future also the companies don't so. Luckily this means they will get the bill for this scam after all. (oow and I don't have any problem with big companies making big money... hell I love it. but don't scam me!) If games become more and more brainless and they keep asking money for DLC and so will not support a modding community, game-classics will go. As far as they are not already gone. GTA was a classic but I think the last one destroyed that (anybody waiting for the new GTA?), same for Mafia, Crysis, Wolfenstein, UT (you see a trend here?)
So that means companies won't get a trusty fan base buying there sequels and so there will be all these lose companies creating one game, people will give it a try and get bored. Then they buy a game from another new companies and all those companies will have a short life. No big companies that are future proof making money for years.
The CEO from Crytek should now he also has a obligation towarts his employee's. But then again, he probably thinks that what he is doing is good, maybe the end-conclusion is that a lot of these CEO's do not have the skills they should have. And once again, I don't have anything gains CEO's that make tons of money (like you hear so much complaining about these days) but you should at least have the skill required. Don't get CEA because of a fiend helping you in or a failing school-system giving you the required papers. (apparently failing if people without the correct skills get the papers)
Now I know nobody will take this post seriously but just remember it when Crytek will die. I had a similar reaction on Philips shutting down there WoWvx program. If they had not they could have become the leader on TV's. Just a few weeks ago they announced they will stop creating TV's. Of course nobody took me serious back then but I told them so. So that makes me more skilled as Gerard Kleisterlee.
Crytek will go the same way within a few years, but since engines and games are there only business they will not end up shutting down one department like Philips but the whole company... Well maybe they can keep creating new engines but I wonder if that will work if the games are bad.