If the game world is the same size as Oblivion I have a hard time believing that there will be nine separate "holds" big enough to have nine different rulers/factions. World would need to be much bigger to pull that off convincingly. Will we walk like five minutes to the next "hold" dominated by a different ruler?
Hey, don't worry about that.
I remember back when I used to play Gothic 3, I felt overwhelmed by the enormous size of the world.
In fact I was so surprised by the sheer size of the world that I was curious enough to check out the real size in KM2 on the internet.
I was shocked !
Gothic 3's world felt a good two times bigger than Oblivion's, but the fact was that Gothic 3's world was ONLY 2/3 of Oblivion's !
I was utterly amazed by what Piranha Bytes had accomplished !
The gameworld was set in three different countries which each had its own climate, a green grass/forest zone, a snow zone and a desert zone.
I still remember when I used to travel from one end of the world to the other, I had the impression I had walked through three countries, seeing all the different cultures and going through them was mind blowing !
The secret to the illusion of size was that the gameworld had a very stuborn terrain, it had a lot of relief, hills, sheer cliffs, huge mountains and thus making every journey a Zig-Zag matter and not a staight line like in Oblivion.
So, knowing that Skyrim is going to have different cultures, climate zones and very rugged terrain, I can rest assured that I will experience a huge world.