Crytek makes the confusion about DirectX 11 in Crysis 2 is now fully complete. PC Games Hardware yesterday reported a Twitter message from Tiago Sousa, Crytek Principal R & D Graphics Programmer. He said via Twitter, the current state of many of the expected DirectX 11 patch for Crysis 2:
"Cooking some great bits for C2 DX11 tech fans, be patient guys. All I can say, is that we have 16 ms or more to have fun with pc hardware ..."
Sousa This indirectly confirms the work on the patch, the "16 ms" refer most probably to 16 milliseconds per frame. Meanwhile, the tweet is not to find more, it obviously was deleted. But there is an official collection charges by taking the Crymod forum Cry-Tom, Community Manager at Crytek. It makes clear that "a patch was never confirmed. As with the leaked system requirements for Crysis 2 would only statements that can be found on gamesas.com relevant to the players. Several websites reported at the weekend that a DirectX 11 patch for Crysis 2 at 28.3. should appear, but it is a classic hoax.
The question we face now is, why Crytek deletes the DirectX 11-Tweet? Might there be no "free" patch for DX11 in Crysis 2? Verbundelt Crytek DX11 support with DLC? Crytek would be well advised to clarify finally official, what their plans are with DirectX 11. Otherwise, PC gamers continue to speculate on the subject