Umm, did you read my post?
I already covered your `spell`.
My proposed Sleep Spell, would be like this:
-There is a semi-fixed amount of time an enemy stays asleep if the spell ever succeeds
-The spells has a % chance to work. the stronger the spell the more % chance that the enemy will fall asleep
- A "100% chance to sleep" spell would only be attainable by the strongest wizards.
- which i agree with: the % isn't flat, if target has more health and/or fatigue then the spell is less likely to succeed.
- which i partially agree with: it should only work (or have a much, much greater chance to work) if the NPC isn't actively fighting you, or if you are hidden
The sleep spell and knockout abilities are basically akin to instant-kill abilities (unless the duration would be so short that you'd have to knock the same npc's out multiple times during one dungeon). There's NO WAY to effectively balance this against strong enemies-because strong enemies are supposed to be a CHALLENGE. So you end up in a situation where either the sleep spells are obviously far too powerful, or they have so many restrictions and stipulations on them that using them effectively is basically impossible.
So basically, your spell
1. Invalidates too many other options
2. Has too many restrictions, and so will be either too powerful or too weak in any given situation
3. Removes challenging situations, which is obviously against basic game design ideals
it worked great in Metal Gear Solid 1-4 :whistling: in fact, you get a really good reward in that game if you beat it without killing a single enemy.
And the whole game had to be built around the possibility of using stealth/knockouts to avoid fights. Map design, interaction with enemies, and even the detection system had to be designed with the no-kill option in mind. That was in a LINEAR game, with SIMPLE mechanics and little character progress. What your asking Bethesda to add is akin to telling them that they should allow levitation.....never mind that all the city models would have to be redone, the AI combat system would need to be reworked, they would have to completely redesign dragon fights, etc. Levitation is a great idea. It's FUN to use. But it requires huge amounts of effort to implement it in any kind of sensible fashion.
Your sleep spell simply requires too much effort to come anywhere near a balanced state, and requires too many changes to AI patrols, level design, and combat mechanics to appease such a tiny player base who would use it.
And you're right, I don't have to be sorry. I was just trying to be nice and get you to see what you're asking logically. Don't try to marginalize people's opinions just because they don't agree with you.