Hans The Fox: AKA Harrald Harry-Breeks: AKA Pelinal Whitestrake was dead by the 2nd era as you already know.
As for Pelinal being worshipped? I don't think he was ever really worshipped.
the closest to worship you would find for Pelinal would be http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Knights_of_the_Ninewhich wasn't founded until the 3rd Era 111 and had its headquarters in the Chapel they built in the West Weald in Cyrodiil.
However, the Order was soon splintered by pride and the others wearing the Relics into battle. The final staw that broke The Order of The Knights of The Nine was the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:War_of_the_Red_Diamond#The_War_of_the_Red_Diamonda civil war over whom would get the Imperiel Throne after the Death of Anitochus in the 3rd Era 120. It was largely started by Potema, The Wolf Queen of Solitude, and her son Uriel III.
You could roleplay your own character that is searching for the Crusader's Relics. As the Knights of the Nine were not the 1st to search for them, they were only the 1st to be successful in finding some of them.
I think there is plenty of room to roleplay that scenario, You should have no problem letting your mind run wild and go with it where you want! 
I hope I was of some help to you.