Allow me to note that the quotes of MK say that Pelly was from the future - they do not say that he was from different futures or differrent parts of the future.
Also as you all say he seems to be a sort of composite being - that might allow that different bits came from different times - just as a human is assembled from different components supplied by the parents and those components are assembled from materials gathered and absorbed at wildly different times and places, yet even so a birth is said to happen when the new human emerges from mum - shhhh, I never said naughty words :toughninja:
Still the question remains: was Pelly assembled at one point in time or was his assembly sequential, ordered, chaotic etc? Thus it may be that it is being suggested that Pelly was created in the past based upon 'designs', concepts, and visualisations drawn from the future = he both was of the future and the past?
Are you arguing at cross purposes?
Young Paw Prints - if you are posing a question both phrasing and '?' [umm - yeah! they're called 'question marks'] are kinda useful to let people know what you are up to ... and there are other words that can be used to indicate suggestions, postulations or theories (bit of a fine line that) - but I am very impressed by how hard and skillfully you have worked to be 'comparatively reasonable' while retaining your essential obstructiveness over the past several pages

Just don't burst yourself trying