"Pelinal was and is an insane collective swarmfoam war-fractal from the future, you betcha." (MK)
I already read that when it was posted. I'm just saying I wouldn't call him a "robot" in the conventional sense.

At least, not in the earthly sense of an soulless automaton. We see very clearly that Pelinal has/had a soul/human essence. I don't dispute that he was from the future, or that he was insane, or even a collective swarmfoam.
It was discussed in that thread, although I didn't say anything about it then, since you and duskweaver were waxing about the topic quite well on your own... I believe the swarmfoam references the fact that two ancestral spirits (Shor and Aka) were inside Pelinal as well as the spirits of all the previous human incarnations of Shor, which would make Pelinal a
construct (read:robot) of the soul, rather than physical form. Like I said, not a robot in the conventional sense.

Star-made knight...
astronach. hee hee hee