*Proceeds to leave rude notes regarding the local guard captain's mother in the barracks*
then i thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if you could write on paper, but instead of having custom notes to yourself you can make letters with options of messages that npcs can recognize?
then maybe most npcs can have a universal chest that most people have (edit: mailbox? :biggrin: ) and you can leave a letter there.
i was kind of thinking a system like demon's souls how you can leave messages, but you can't write so they had a bunch of things you could put that relate to the game (but much smaller for the sake of npcs being able to comprehend the letter).
so you can have options of things you can give to people such as:
-death threat
-love letter
-stay away from my farm at night
-control your dogs
-insult mother
-meet me at...
-go to...
-thank you
and so on
maybe it would be hard to do, but the list doesn't have to be huge, and i don't see why they can't add a little comment that an npc can reply to regarding a letter. you have to admit that it would be cool to know the reason that the guard captain is giving everyone such a hard time is because of an anonymous letter insulting his mother

this would also be much more immersive than merely writing a note to yourself (which maybe could be incorporated too but thats not what this is about).
so what do you guys think other than "it would be too difficult"?