However, they're NOT dead, just buried. Figuratively, and quite literally, as a post on the first page of this points out,
And buried within Sigil stones verbalized into fungal-seeding nematodes, no less.
The notion that, all of the sudden, numerous mushroom towers will erupt from the ash across mainland Morrowind and Vvardefell amuses me greatly, mostly for everyone else's reaction.
Spontaneous sporangia: reason enough to flip your [censored]. I'd love to see that. And it's not so unlikely, really; a fungus always does exist primarily underground. The towers were just six organs.
That's the Telvanni for you, I guess: cover the land with fungal pencses (just for the kicks of knowing that no one realizes) and compound the masculine element of Tower symbolism at the same time.
Is this lore lore or fan fic?
EDIT: Lady N knows, but it's not important.