Crytek is a great video game company who makes a great engine, and great video games. But they do not succeed at making people very hyped for the games. Crysis 2 has amazing graphics, gameplay, and hopefuly an amazing campaign. They need to stay in-touch with their fans and give more info on what is going on. Bungie studios does a good job with their community. (Not a Bungie fanboy) They need to have more updates in short, anyone agree?
Well, as a PC gamer, I have nothing to be hyped about. We haven't seen even a single pic of Crysis 2. Currently, I'm looking at BF3. Crytek can shove it.
Well, as a PC gamer, I have nothing to be hyped about. We haven't seen even a single pic of Crysis 2. Currently, I'm looking at BF3. Crytek can shove it. Oh MY.
I'm super hyped. This and BF3 will keep me occupied for a loooong time. Unfortunately, I'm too busy with my classes and midterms right now to act hyped. In fact, I have a midterm in 1 hour. I just came on here cus I was done studyin and bored. Wish me luck .
How can u be hyped when there is nearly 40 days from release and no pc footage is ever seen?Tbh when multiplatform games come out im never hyped cause the games adresss more the consoles and not the pc .Im gonna be hyped when a pc exclusive next gen game comes out:>
How can u be hyped when there is nearly 40 days from release and no pc footage is ever seen?
Cus I trust Crytek. They proved themselves to me with Crysis and Farcry. And until they make a bad game I will continue to trust them. That's a noble truth, that some of us would like to continue hearing...
I am hyped as hell for the Singleplayer. Can't wait to finally get to continue the story and the environment should be very nice fitting into the style of play already established in Crysis.
I do think the multiplayer will be a bust, but that won't stop me from the singleplayer. ^-^
I do think the multiplayer will be a bust, but that won't stop me from the singleplayer. ^-^
Well, I think that half the people will like the multi a lot and half will hate it. I definitely dont think it will be a bust though. It may draw in a big crowd which means more $$ for the development of Crysis 3
To be honest, I am just hyped because I am a fan of Crysis... Not so much because of the footage or news we have heard... I do feel that many others who have not heard of Crysis before are not too hyped as there isn't enough media.
I think Crytek knows they're PC audience is behind them, but Crysis is a new IP to console gamers and hate to say it they out number PC gamers 100 to 1 so if they want to make money (and they do they are a business) they need to hype the console guys up. Personally I don't think they are doing that well at that not a whole lot of press and most of the console guys that are excited are also very Leary because they're psyched about potentially having the Sandbox editor in some sort of fashion and there has been no word of it. If Crytek wants to hype up the console guys show them that's in there, and get to get the PC guys give us a demo.
BTW they have shown PC footage it's just mixed with the consoles stuff most of the videos have it labeled in the lower left which platform and yeah the PC version blows the console ones out of the water.
And yeah I'm psyched as a PC gamer and console gamer, just wish everyone else was as hyped up as I was.
I am hyped as hell for the Singleplayer. Can't wait to finally get to continue the story and the environment should be very nice fitting into the style of play already established in Crysis.
I do think the multiplayer will be a bust, but that won't stop me from the singleplayer. ^-^ A total agree on that once more, for Crysis 2 Sp !!!
Talon, damn it dude just get rid of that CoD-Crysis war thing that's going on inside your head. The multiplayer will be awesome as hell(well now...) and besides, you must have already played BFBC2 right? Well it had perks aswel(kinda) those attachments and extra armor/increased bullet damage/increased magazine count etc. Doesn't matter if an FPS takes some key details (such as perks as I stated) and refines them in it's own way and make it appropriate for the game. I am 100% sure that when you try the MP you will be blown away and be all like "Damn that sponge dude was right! ;o"
Are u freakin kidding me?I have got about 25 guys with me who are patiently waiting for the game.They have drawn Crynet Systems logo all over there body.Hell i have done that.
"HYPE" is not flooding the forums with spam,"HYPE" is formatting there HDD and selling there blood and kidney so that they can buy new graphic cards:)
Are u freakin kidding me?I have got about 25 guys with me who are patiently waiting for the game.They have drawn Crynet Systems logo all over there body.Hell i have done that.
"HYPE" is not flooding the forums with spam,"HYPE" is formatting there HDD and selling there blood and kidney so that they can buy new graphic cards:) Not that I want to encourage this sort of thing but... nice
The problem with delaying this game is that depending on how much it is delayed, then they'd have to compete with more popular titles. The end of this year will be dominated by another under-polished CoD, and then there's a bunch of other games between here and there, including things like Duke Nukem.
I still think it will do well but I think they made a technical error when they had the link to a Crysis 2 website that you couldn't enter up for so long. Not just the fact of that but because nothing else was really going on during that time no new Youtube footage nothing i remember on IGN or Gamespot. It was just quite for too long and when you have that people stop checking back.