They would have to be elves, because oblivion was 200 years before skyrim....unless....well i dnno how old khajitt and argonians get....
Well, he said remains.
I think Sinderion is the only one. May be wrong.
dont think he starved to death. There are some arrows shot on him. Pretty sad though. I wonder if the necrophiliac dunmer from skingrad is still there. We could learn something together.
wat confuses me is that the arrows are dwemer, not falmer......
Maybe the Falmer found some Dwemer arrows and found them more effective
Or it could be the Dwemeri Sphere guarding the front entrance of his lab...
Dwemer spheres use crossbow bolts, and how on earth would they FiND the arrows, they are they smell them????
They could feel them and one could certainly tell that Dwemer arrows are much more sturdy and sharper.
Not really a dead body, but you find Francois Motierre's great great great great (or something like that) grandson, Amaund Motierre, and both were part of the Dark Brotherhood.
That I could understand, but they would have to have stumbled upon them, blackreach is rather large to be honest. It would be quite a stroke of luck to find them....then again, they do have servants down there.....
They've been down there for over 4500 years, I'm sure plenty of Falmer have stumbled upon the tools of their oppressors. Plus the Falmer aren't as dumb as we might think.
There is a "reverse" of what the OP is asking, that is between the Shivering Isles and Solitude
Not sure if there is a connection, which I doubt, but I thought it was funny anyway