WoW's player base has been doing nothing but increasing over the last 2 years, so yes, people still play WoW. 12 million people to be more precise.
We also have a here where many of us talk about WoW.
Also, what's with all the anti-WoW comments? Are you guys 8 years old? Your personal opinion of something has nothing to do with the popularity of something. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a great game. Stop acting like that, it makes you look arrogant, extremely short-sited, and hypocritical. You're on a gaming forum mocking/sniveling at people who play a certain game. :rolleyes:
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
We also have a here where many of us talk about WoW.
Also, what's with all the anti-WoW comments? Are you guys 8 years old? Your personal opinion of something has nothing to do with the popularity of something. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a great game. Stop acting like that, it makes you look arrogant, extremely short-sited, and hypocritical. You're on a gaming forum mocking/sniveling at people who play a certain game. :rolleyes:
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Sorry but no, that argument makes absolutely no sense. What does a food critic have to do with this situation? A food critics job is to critique food for the masses. It's not your job on this forum to make snide remarks regarding people who play a certain type of video game.
Check it out, everyone! It's a talking pot! What's that, talking pot? Kettles are black? No way!