So it can't be an RPG and be fun too? An RPG has to have an incredibly boring combat style?
You want to criticize a poster for appointing himself 'overseer' and yet you universally declare a whole class of gameplay mechanics 'boring.'
Ok you think they're boring - does that mean they have no merit?
Going by this definition, even that abomination MW2 can be considered an RPG, as technically speaking you're in a game, playing the role of some cannon fodder. You are 100% responsible for advancing what pathetic narrative there is, and there is some semblance of character development. Even if it really only amounts to your loadout and whether you throw your grenades at the ememy or your own guys. Erego, even MW2, what might be the worst PC game ever released, can be considered an RPG. Food for thought, isn't it?
Food for thought? Not really. Yes you could classify almost any game experience as 'role playing.' By doing so you're being so loose in the systems your referring to that for the purposes of conversation with other gamers your ideas become so all encompassing that the exchange is pointlessly broad.
Do kindly note how nowhere does it say RPGs have to have a boring combat experience. Nowhere does it say they can't be a shooter as well. NV fits that to a T, and yet it plays quite nicely as a shooter.
There's that boring word again. And while our unidentified Wikipedian avoids editorializing (surely if he mentioned a turn-based combat system he'd declare it boring) he does namecheck Dungeons and Dragons as a benchmark for RPG systems. D&D of course has a rather elaborate turn-based stat-driven combat system.
Now if you're done being some elitist jerk who thinks he has a right to tell other players whether or not they are allowed to play an RPG differently from how YOU think it should be played, I have an RPG to finish. While I'm busy shooting my way through some more Deathclaw while plotting what my last perk should be, you might If that doesn't open your eyes, fine, but don't go telling people they shouldn't play because they don't like VATS, or because they want to be the reason they win or lose in battle. Nobody died and appointed you Overseer.
Cool dude now you're making sense. I believe majority opinion is on your side here. Certainly Bethesda agrees with you. Though I wonder if opinions and buying habits like yours haven't flattened our genre by encouraging AAA developers to completely jettison game-play systems that have their own merits and advantages over those of action games and action RPG's. I wouldn't bother picking on your tastes - I mean, they're
yours after all. Except ... I have the feeling your opinion is monolith. And our gameplay systems are becoming monolith.
There is a goldmine in turn-based systems that is relegated to the back burner. There is potential there for some very interesting systems. Yet as time advances and the gaming audience grows ... variety in play styles is actually flattening. I do wish titles had at least maintained their diversity or even increased it with the advent of new ideas and technology. Action games have continued evolving while other genres are gutted.
Thus action based systems are bleeding over to fill the void...