People with a CTD free New Vegas

Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:41 pm

Tell me what you did to make your New Vegas CTD free. Or close to being CTD free. This is for people who have more than 50 mods running.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:34 pm

I installed the game. Installed the mods, and pressed play.

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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:29 am

If you have more than 50 mods running then you're going to need to make a merged patch with FNVedit or a bashed patch Wrye Bash.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:22 pm

The best I can get is 1 hour of gameplay before either an in-game crash or a loading screen freeze. I now use purge cell buffers, wrye bash, BOSS, FNV4GB enabler(with NVSE), and FOMM. I found PCB to improve time between crashes after the latest patch.

1. Install/uninstall all mods with FOMM
2. Use the Update option with FOMM to update BOSS
3. Use the load order sorter in FOMM to use the BOSS list to order your mods
4. Check all mods to ON using FOMM
5. Update the BOSS masterlist.txt(this is separate from the FOMM BOSS list)
6. Use Wrye bash to rebuild a bashed patch which turns off any unnecessary mods/patches
7. Enjoy for a solid hour
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patricia kris
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:33 pm

I installed the game. Installed the mods, and pressed play.


This was true for me before the 1.3 update and I could get about two hours before I'd crash out. Then, after 1.3, even though I updated all the mods I was using at the time (about 19 out of the 60 or so I had sitting in my data folder) I was getting a lot of crashing. So much it was making me crazy (like every few minutes and not even a good solid hour of play) and it was making my modding/playtesting a real PITA. So I finally, in desperation, decided to empty my data folder of all of the mods I wasn't using even though there weren't that many of them ( about 40) and went through and got the most recent updates of the remaining ones. I now have 19 running mods and I am getting no crashing that I don't cause myself (mucking about in my esp and not creating a clean save every time I do so). I think it's back to as good as it was before the 1.3 update; but it isn't better. But I can only get 2 hours out of FO3 at a time too. I don't do anything special to enhance performance (mods, etc), but I do turn off some of the other programs on my computer that seem to interfere with the game (crash it). With FO3 that's just about everything else, NV is more tolerant and there are only a couple that seem to crash it.
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:13 pm

Never had any problem running the game CTD free, from the first start to the latest patch with or without mods...i think the main problem people have is caused by poorly made mods and wrong load order.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:16 pm

I installed the game. Installed the mods, and pressed play.


Almost. Installed the game, the mods, NVSE and the 4gb loader for it, start Wrye Flash, run BOSS, create bashed patch and correct wrongly imported items with FNVEdit.

Sometimes a reinstall helps too. I had a freeze on exit problem recently, just reinstalling the game made that go away, even with the same mods installed. Should learn to make BAINs of the mods i use, would make the reinstall procedure much less of a pain ;)
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