Are people with the “patch 1.2” issues using any mods or INI tweaks?
I spent the entire yesterday reading 4+ threads on issues people are having after installing the 1.2 patch. Then when I got home I installed it and played for 6 hours straight doing as many Caves, Towers and dragons as I could fit in the time. I specifically tried to do the 5 things below as many times as I could.
Dragons flying backwards
Lockpicks not using A and D keys
No elemental resistance
Mouse not working correctly
I could not recreate any of the above. In the 6 hours I encountered 3 dragons, 20+ casters …40+ melee dozens of locks and my game is working the same as 1.1. I summoned a Flame Antioch and could not even make a scratch in it with a fire spell, I let a skeever chew on me for 10 minutes in WW form and no disease.
The only difference I can see from my game to other peoples (a few friends at work included) is they are using mods and have tweaked their INI files.