» Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:24 am
I have always asked for it and I support it now.
I like to see a house filled with all our previously played characters, in the outfit of their last save game, moving around and reading books, chatting to each other, leaning against a wall, polishing their sword or bow, looking into the fire place, and so on.
Your can control your last character and start in front of the exit door, but you can turn back and move in the main hall or adjoining rooms and talk to other characters to select them and take control, and when you like you can exit through the door and go into the next room which can be a big room filled with display stands.
On each of those stands, there can be glass boxes, like terrariums which shows a miniature of your character in a froze 3d scene where you saved that game, frozen in any action, like in the middle of swinging your sword at that minotaur, or climbing your rope ladder toward a window, and so on...
You can circle around each stand and look at the scene from any angle, and select one of them to start the game from that point.
The last save game in the nearest one to the door where you enter the room.