5 AP 1 perception Warhammer bionic eyes from fO3 have return

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:45 am


So with the permission of the original modder, I used the resources to make a similar mod for Fallout NV because I really liked that bionic eye in Fallout 3. I did a little bit of work on the files after releasing it as I usually do. The mod was not working for someone. So I modified the files, I saw one giant exclamation mark.

Then I modified them some more looking for the problem, I fixed the missing mesh issue (or I thought I did). Then loaded it up to the Nexus. Then I deleted my ESP, my meshes, and textures folder for the mod as a test... I reinstalled the mod. And all of the eyes still has their meshes, and textures. And the locker still had it's textures. But apparently it's still not working someone commented. I'm confused as to how, because when I did my testing by reinstalling meshes/textures to my data directory along with the ESP it worked, which usually means a mod of mine is working. As far as any self testing I can do, I can't tell what's wrong or if anything is wrong.

So anyways, if you happen to like the mod and it works then great, but I also I need confirmation from multiple sources if the files I uploaded are broken or not. So please tell me if the mods works properly for you or not.
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Teghan Harris
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