I haven't read through the whole thread, but I don't like what I did read.
It seems all of seti's threads turn into arguments and flaming. He tried to make a thread to express how amazing he thinks this game is (which it is), and all he got was criticism. There is nothing wrong with that, but it needs to be presented in a certain way. If Oblivion is his second life, that's fine. Because that's what the game was intended to be.
I don't think it's perfect. Nothing ever will be. But Oblivion is still my favorite game, and it probably will be for a long time.
As far as I remember, the manual even said it was designed as a second life. It does seem so to me, as I have had it for a year and still find surprises. It is this game that has made Bethesda my single favorite game company, by far. No other game has allowed me such freedom and no ohter game has given me as much gameplay time.
That is just my opinion and you don't have to agree with it, but I'm sure all of you get where I am coming from. I would find it hard to believe that none of you enjoy the game or at least conisider it a large and impressive game. Either way, the answers are not exactly what I would have liked, but it's what I should have expeced. I find it strange that I can't praise this game in the very section of the official forums that were designed for this game. Regardless of it being perfect to you or not, please do not turn this thread into sheer criticism. If you can't say anything good about this game, then why say anything at all? I had some questions that were not addressed, but rather my interpretation of the game is being heavily challenged. If it is impossible to make one thread praising Oblivion, then why post at all?