This game is a must-have for an RPG player, as I can't imagine that you dislike the game. This game is large, it has lots of gameplay, and it has plenty of lore. Most of what I have said is true. How you perceive the game in terms of just how good it is is your opinion, but would you deny that most RPG players would still love Oblivion?
I don't know if they would. In fact part of my point is that it doesn't matter - your experience with Oblivion exists separately from what others think.
Let me tell you a story and maybe it will come across better.
Way back in the days of NES I had a game called Deadly Towers. I was mesmerized by this game. I had 17 other games and I think I played Deadly Towers more than the rest of them combined. It was a huge, absorbing maze, I would map it and map it and there would always be more. The difficulty level was extreme but that just made the next corner that I hadn't quite gotten past that much more mysterious. Playing the game was like being drunk in the way that nothing totally made sense, like no human could have made the game - it was too chaotic and organic. I still have hand-drawn maps from some of the vast dungeons in the game, trying to make sense of them, delighting that they would never completely make sense.
Fast forward to the days of the Internet. I look up Deadly Towers and I find that almost everyone else hates the game. The reviews are terrible. Of Seanbaby's top 20 worst NES games, Deadly Towers is #1.
Even worse - they hated it for very good reasons.
The graphics were poor even by NES standards. The enemies were badly drawn, about half of them were just blobs. The game was often unfair - you could enter a room and be instantly killed by a monster waiting at the wrong angle, or one might materialize out of nowhere and oneshot you. There was no direction on what to do or where to go. About half the entrences to places were hidden - you could only stumble upon them by luck, and often it was a one way trip.
The learning curve was downright sadistic.
The main character looked like he was shooting daggers from his crotch.
Did all this critcism upset me? No. Because what I revered all along was not the game itself but the experience *I* got from it. That is what is special about single player games, you don't have to share the experience with anyone. The unique and subtle vapors of YOUR thoughts can creep out and completely dominate the mood.
The fact that Deadly Towers was a bad game does not diminish the experience I got from it, even a little.
The experience I got from it does not change the fact that it was a bad game.
My point in telling you this story, is that when you go online and *choose* to share your impression of the game with other people, you should not feel shocked or angry that theirs will differ, even very sharply from yours. And you should not feel like you are being contradicted or attacked if those impressions are negative, because nobody is threatening your experience with the game or telling you not to enjoy it, and if they were they would be asking the impossible. Do not confuse the blissed state of playing a computer game that you love with the code and gif files inside the software. The most important component of Oblivion is YOUR brain and YOUR thoughts and in that sense we are not even playing the same game.