» Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:10 am
I've gone through 3 characters so far, but I played each fully through they're given stories. Did my first sword and board Nord character to go through the fighters guild and main quest. Had my Imperial Thief/Assassin go through the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. And Lastly had my full on Altmer Mage go through the Mages Guild.
With the big stuff out of the way, I've gone back, and made a new character with a race I've NEVER played before, a Khajiit. He looks almost like a Black Panther, and his name is Do'khaj (lame I know, but I like to think it translates to "warrior of the desert" or "desert warrior" for short. Not much of a Khajiit language buff, considering this is my first.) He's a mixture of what I liked out of all the playthroughs so far. He's a Hunter, a Thief when he has those moments of greed, and a Warrior/Mercenary. Due to his greedy nature, he doesn't mind taking the odd job for some extra coin, but he's also very prideful, so anyone that makes a snide comment may find either a knife in their back, or an arrow in their face. He specializes with the bow, and is great at sneaking and stalking his prey, where his hunting nature comes into play. But that doesn't mean he can't hold himself in battle when it starts going south. While he may like to use two daggers for quiet work, he'll use a Sword and Board when the action gets heavy. However, what gives him a unique appearance, is the fact that he doesn't like to wear armor that isn't fur/leather in origin. So he resorts to Light Armor only, and Scale armor being the highest grade he'll go. Not only this, but he hates helmets. I don't know why, haven't been able to get a single word out of him about it yet, but he just hates them. So he wears a hood that he bought from a mage a while back (don't like the current light armor hood equivalents, they hug the head too tightly for my liking. Blame Assassin's Creed for my need of baggier hoods. xD) He's currently joined the Companions (and for spoilers sake, lets just say he's always wondered what it would be like, if you catch my meaning).
But yeah, I'm sorry I rambled a bit, but you wanted to know about the playstyles I went through to get where I am. I'm currently loving this character MUCH more than any other that I've EVER created in ANY Elder Scrolls game (tis probably due to the uniqueness I've given him.) I love being able to be a hunter, stalking through the woods and dropping prey nearly without a sound. I also like sneaking up close and personal, pickpocketing the occasional bandit before I slit their throat, just to test my skills. But I also like having the option of being able to play a warrior, being one of those at the frontline in a pitched battle, or staying back and acting as a support with my bow. I however don't really care much for magic with this character. It's not that I didn't like it, it's more of that it just felt TOO surreal for me when I'm flinging spells and raising the dead. It's my personal preference, though. I've never really been a mage type person, but I would be lying if I said that I didn't have fun with it.
For those of you that are wondering how my character specializes in so many skills, it's cuz I do cheat with the perks. I give him an extra perk every other level, just so he doesn't fall behind due to spreading my skills out.
To the OP, if you're having trouble sticking with a character, try giving them some kind of special characteristic. Maybe he was in a bad accident as a child and can't use his left arm for anything, ever (a bit too drastic, but it's an example.) Give him a characteristic that you like, or maybe that you would find funny in situations, or heck maybe even a characteristic that you hate (sometimes that works for people -shrug-). As for the actual playstyle issue... all I can say is just keep experimenting till you find what you like, or can at least deal with. You may just need a character that you can get more attached too, I don't know.