People will say that graphics and performance is not integral to Skyrim on these forums, because the gameplay is so good, but in reality, these issues do impair gameplay and fluidity to a large degree, by really taking you out of the experience or glitching up a combat encounter.
Now, let's look at Fallout 3 on consoles, it ran EXTREMELY better than Oblivion, could be due in part to the smaller world, but whatever. It ran really well, an dI was rarely taken out of the immersion, but pop in and stutters, and glitches did occur, just not to the extent that there was in Oblivion.
I will say, that seeing a floating character, or a weird texture, or A pop in every once every few hours is really fine and to be expected. No one, not even PC gamers, I think, are expecting a purely stutter free experience. We just don't want it to occur with such frequency as it did in Oblivion, and maybe Fallout 3.
Now, if Skyrim manages to run better than Fallout 3 on consoles, then I will be as happy as I can be with the game. Is that a possibility to hope for?