I have many mods installed... mainly from the G.E.M.S area. As a lot of those appealed to me, but I also have some official high res and unofficial ultra hd and skyrim hd 2k mods , not to mention the t30 overhaul etc.
I tested the game each time I installed a big mod and it worked fine, even after everything was installed, but once thing I didn't test was the performance during battles and I have to say it does lag slightly.. which of course during a battle isn't good as you can miss your timings with attacks and spells because of the little stutters.
What is the best way I can take to reducing lag? I think in oblivion you could merge all your mods into one big mod which gave a nice few fps improvement. I have also heard that there are some mods designed specifically to increase FPS, are they any good? if that doesn't work and I have to lower some settings, where should I start for the biggest improvement while keeping things as beautiful as they are? IE smallest decrease in quality. project enb has some "performance" files, would that be the best? or when I get the high res mods, should I choose medium instead of high?
Would appreciate as much constructive advice as possible.
OH and below are my system specs so you can tell me better what I should be expecting.
AsRock Z77 Extreme6 Motherboard
Intel 3rd Generation Core i5-3570K CPU
EVGA GeForce GTX 660 SC 2GB GDDR5 Graphics Card
Corsair CML8GX3M2A1600C9 LP Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB)
"Intel SSD 520 Series 2.5 inch 120GB 6GB/S MLC Resell 25nm Solid State Drive" (which the game is installed on obviously)
And also am running it on windows 7 on a very nice haf xm chasis , with very good gpu and cpu cooler by artctic cooling/coolermaster etc. (Which i think helps lag when it stays cool)