I have a quest which restarts every 8 seconds. When the quest starts it originally checked for upto 5 alias's which match specific conditions within the loaded area.
Once the alias is filled, a spell is cast which increases the health of the alias. This health increase remains in place until duration ends, the player is over 4096 units away or the subject's 3D is unloaded. Whilst under the subject of this health increase, the subject is never added as an alias when the quest restarts.
This affect can not be applied to potential followers or summons cast by the player.
The more i test this the more conditions i need to implement this.
Now the performance related question - I have been considering whether to have a specific quest for specific actors race, it doesn't have to be race it can be actor type etc
So for example if i have 4 quests:
Quest A - Only fills the alias's if the race is a Dragon
Quest B - Only fills the alias's if the race is a Frost Atronach
Quest C - Only fills the alias's if the race is a Fire Atronach
Quest D - Only fills the alias's if the race is a Storm Atronach
Each alias would also have the following conditions applied:
Distance to player <= 4096
Applied MagicEffect == 0
GetInFaction 'PotentialFollowerFaction' == 0
GetInFaction 'PlayerPotentialAnimalFaction' == 0
Having seperate quests means i can reduce the amount of conditions needed when filling alias's, so
Is it better to have 4 quests checking for 5 alias's which may or may not exist in the loaded area or 1 quest checking 20 alias's every 8 seconds.