I've just signed up on this forum because I have a little problem with Morrowind. I got it a long while ago (maybe a year or so, maybe more), and I installed it on my Windows 7. Now here's the thing, it ran perfectly. There was absolutely no problems whatsoever. But I haven't touched it in a while, and when I decided to play it again last week, it suddenly started lagging. I mean, for the most part it still runs just fine. But every 10 or 20 minutes playing the game, it just starts lagging. It works fine, then it lags periodically. The reason I came here for help is because, I've exhausted all my options trying to fix the lag. I tried adjusting my computers settings for best performance, didn't work. I tried updating my Nvidia driver, didn't work. I tried disabling compatibility settings (like disable visual themes), didn't work. I tried disabling some services and program like a few youtube videos suggested, didn't work. I tried cleaning up my hard drive, didn't work. I tried defragmenting my hard drive . . . AND. IT. STILL. DIDN'T. WORK!!!!!!!
I've exhausted all my options (that I know of) and I just don't know what else to do. Has anyone else here encountered this problem? I will remind you though that this problem only occured just last week when I decided to play again. It worked just fine before then.
If anyone has any suggestions, it would be very much appreciated.