F:NV has never been the same for me since the pre-Honest Hearts patch (I am just now getting around to posting because I thought OWB and its patch might fix the problem). My game periodically stutters/freezes for a few secs (it seems tied to the change in music but the problem is not solely tied to this event) than goes back to normal and the process repeats over and over again ever 30 secs or so (it varies. Sometimes its a minute or so, sometimes shorter, sometimes much longer than a minute). The game never actually crashes or freezes permanently so it is playable but far from ideal. The frame rate is otherwise perfect (no slow down) in between each periodic stutter outbreak. I am running the same graphics settings pre-honest hearts patch so I don't believe it to be system lag and prior to the patch the game ran flawlessly at these settings (plus minimizing the settings does nothing to fix the problem). I have tried reinstalling, defraging it on Steam, updated my video drivers etc. and no other patches/dlcs (I have all three installed) I have since installed have fixed the problem. Any suggestions on what this problem may be? Any help would be great. Thanks!