Perk to apply spell to target, before hit contact?

Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:41 am

I'm currently trying to find a way that I can have a perk which will apply a spell to targets before the player with the perk hits them. I don't think the Entry Point "Apply Combat Hit Spell" will work, since I need the spell effect to be active on the target before damage is calculated--specifically, I want to make various targets weaker to certain kinds of damage when the player has this perk. I haven't tested the Entry Point "Apply Weapon Swing Spell," but I assume it also triggers only on weapon hit the same way as Apply Combat Hit Spell (only in reverse).

Anyone know how this could be achieved?

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Georgine Lee
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:08 am

You can use conditionalized perk entries to increase the damage against specific targets.

This way you wouldn't need to apply a magic effect to the target.


The flames spell does 8 damage normally

If your perk made dragons weaker to fire, you could add the following perk entry to increase damage against dragons (by 25%)

Perk Entry

Mod Spell Magnitude Multiply Value 1.25

Then add the following conditions

Spell Tab

S EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword Keyword: MagicDamageFire == 1

Target Tab

S HasKeyword Keyword: ActorTypeDragon == 1

This method doesn't show a damage increase when the flames spell is highlighted in the menu, but when applied to the correct target, the increase in damage is applied.

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Timara White
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