Not sure if intimidation works through companions if that is what this is. Would be cool but I assume it is most likely is a cenematic.
We must have a synth companion though. Synths seem to play a large part of the game.
As i understand it Fallout 4 contains no cinematic cutscenes.
(please correct me if I'm wrong)
So everything in the trailer is procedurally generated in-game, even if they have shifted the perspective camera for some shots.
BioWare's Dragon Age inquisition, as a contrast, did use cutscene animations for their characters, expensive time consuming to create cutscene animations.
this meant that when there was an NPC character interaction that was not animated, eg. random NPC requests you fetch 5 ram meat,
then those character interactions look stiff and lifeless.
I guess the challenge for Bethesda is to make those character interactions good enough
as it would be utterly impractical to animate them in a bespoke manner given the density of their world.
The Synth companion speculation is a good one.
I think it is also possible that you have used the 'Intimidation' perk and the Synth (whether a companion or not) is covering you.
That this animation appears in the trailer means it is an in-game mechanic in my book.
there are 2 synth companions
PS... i dont know how to do the spoiler covering thingy.